Accueil 2015 April

Archives mensuelles: April 2015



* Toxic infection due to Bacillus Nicolaier (Clostridium tetani) which secretes a neurotoxin (tetanospasmin). Gram + anaerobic bacillus; copro-telluric germ. * Non immunizing Disease -> vaccination...
Corynebacterium diphtheriae ou bacille de Löffler-Klebs


* Toxic infection caused by Corynebacterium diphtheriae (Klebs-Löffler bacillus). Gram positive bacillus; the packet group matches (or pins or Alphabet Letter) is suggestive. * The strains...
Coxiella Burnetii

Q fever ( coxiellosis )

* Due to an intracellular bacteria (macrophages) Coxiella burnetii. * This is a ubiquitous zoonosis; human contamination is mainly by domestic animals (sheep, goats, cattle)...
quintes de toux

Whooping Cough

* Bordetella pertussis (Bordet and Gengou bacillus) Gram-negative bacilli cultivable aerobic. Contamination is air (infectiousness continues after 3 weeks of the catarrhal phase). The bacteria are...
Sources d'infection de la Brucellose

Brucellosis ( undulant fever , undulant fever )

* Brucella: bacillus gram-negative aerobic and spore forming; Brucella intracellular situation makes the total sterilization almost impossible with a risk of relapse (3-10%). Hypersensitivity of...
Frottis sanguin de Plasmodium falciparum


* Plasmodium vivax, P. malariae. P. ovale never give a pernicious and are still susceptible to antimalarial drugs. * The duration of erythrocytes cycle explains...
Aspect de langue dépapillée au cours de la scarlatine

Scarlet Fever

* It is due to group A streptococcus infected by a bacteriophage; poisoning by erythrogenic toxin secretion. Is experienced especially in children 5 to 10...
Les séquelles de poliomyélite antérieure aiguë

Acute Anterior Poliomyelitis

* Causal agent: due to poliovirus type 1, 2 and 3. These enteroviruses are cultivable on tissue or cellular environments and are remarkable for...

Fetal-maternal immunization

* The transplacental haemorrhage responsible for alloimmunization occurs mostly during childbirth; Sometimes it is favored in pregnancy by the following circumstances (placental abruption, ectopic...

Preterm & IUGR

* Prematurity is defined by the birth of a child before 37 SA gone. Extreme prematurity is defined by the birth of a baby...




Électrophorèse de l'hémoglobine

Hemoglobin Electrophoresis

Confusion du sujet âgé

Confusion of the elderly

