

Diseases of the skin, particularly infectious, are very common.

They should be treated individually / collectively but also considered as an indicator of population health: a high prevalence of infectious skin diseases may reflect insufficient amount of water or hygiene problem.

Dermatological examination:

– Analyze the elementary lesions:

Macule: featureless task not palpable, a different color than the surrounding skin

Papule: slightly elevated lesion, small (<1 cm), circumscribed, solid

Bladder (<1 cm) bubble (> 1 cm): circumscribed wheal containing a clear liquid

Pustule: vesicle containing pus

Nodule: wheal solid, circumscribed palpable,> 1 cm, dermal or hypodermic

Erosion: loss of superficial substance interesting that the skin heals without scarring

Excoriation: erosion caused by scratching

Ulceration: loss stuff worth the epidermis and at least part of the dermis, leaving a scar

Squame: horny layer of lamella which is detached from the epidermis

Crust: serum, pus or dried blood

Atrophy: skin thinning

Lichenification: thickening of the skin with accentuation of wrinkles

– Analyze the grouping of lesions (isolated, plate, linear, ring), topography. Search pruritus.

– Look for a cause: insect bites; scabies, lice, other parasitic diseases; contact with plants, animals, jewelery, detergents, etc.

– Search for any treatment already done: local, oral or injectable.

– Search for locoregional (secondary infection, lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, erysipelas) and / or general (fever, sepsis, remote home).

– Take into account the health situation of the family, particularly for contagious skin diseases (scabies, ringworm, lice).

– Check tetanus vaccination.

Dermatological consultation often occurs late, when the lesions are secondary infection, which makes it difficult to analyze elementary lesions.

In this case, it is necessary to review the patient after the treatment of secondary infection to identify and treat the underlying skin disease.