
Syndrome névrotique

* These are psychiatric conditions without defined etiology.

The predominant disturbance is a group of symptoms that the patient considers undesirable (ego-dystonic) causing mental suffering recognized by the subject.

There is no disturbance of the perception of reality and contact.

Neurosis* Neurotic symptoms are considered an expression of defenses to protect the ego from anxiety caused by the conflict between contradictory instinctual requirements or between instinctual demands and legal requirements.

These are compromise formations to prevent intrusion into the consciousness of mental representation or unacceptable or intolerable affect, while allowing a symbolic expression, by analogy or by moving the original conflict.

* The neuroticism is hereditary predisposition of the nervous system to react to an emotional charge in the form of neurotic symptoms.

1- Neurotic Personalities:


– Meticulousness, punctuality, perfectionism

– Trend in the planning of existence

– Excessive attachment to the established order

– The taste for the economy: parsimonious (hate wasting); miser

– Authoritarian; on your mind

– Emotional Coldness

– Psychasthenic Pole: indecision

– Anankasique Personality (indecision, excessive caution, perfectionism, extreme scrupulosity, too conformist attitude, rigidity)


– Immature

– Dependent on the middle

– Inhibited or avoidant in these social relations.


– Two personalities: histrionic personality and dependent personality

– Histrionics: need to attract attention; intolerance of frustration (must be the permanent center of interest)

– Theatricality (hyperexpressivité affects and dramatization of reality)

– Dependence (child protection application) -> dependent personality especially

– Suggestibility (pithiatism) and psychoplasticité (this effort to comply with the desire of the other) -> unlike psychorigidité

– Seduction eroticized; affective dependance ; sexual dysfunction

– Hyperreactivity the environment (emotional lability and thymic)

– Rich imaginative activity: daydream, mythomanie

– Reworking memories (amnesia, ecmnésie)

2- Obsessive Neurosis:

+ Obsessions are anxiety and often at odds with the moral principles of the subject (ego-dystonic); they emanate from the psychic life of the subject.

+ There are: phobic obsessions; ideative the obsessions; impulsive obsessions (or pulse phobia -> afraid to attack but without acting out).

+ Compulsive rites have the same characters as the obsession (in response to obsessive thoughts). (Exp: arithmomania: compulsion counting). They relieve the anxiety caused by the obsession notes.

+ Shift to psychasthenia

+ We are talking about OCD when the frequency and intensity of symptoms are such that they end up impeding daily activities of the subject.

+ Tics (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome) are associated with OCD in children

+ Any rumination anxious, fixed ideas, any washing mania, or other verification is trivial if it is isolated and fleeting.

+ Obsessions Phobias are distinguished by the persistence of agonizing fear even outside the feared situation.

+ The serotonergic antidepressants are most effective

3- Phobic Neurosis:

+ The phobia has a defensive value against the anxiety which it allows displacement and condensation on symbolic objects

+ Pipes against phobic: avoidance of the phobic object; reinsurance company through a third party. They tend to become progressively worse

+ Phobia simple: fear of an object or situation having no threatening character.

* Agoraphobia: more common in women and begins between 18 and 35 years. Anxiety occurs when the patient is found in places where it may difficult to escape (public places …); any situation where one is alone near his home.

The anticipatory anxiety is always marked. possible association with panic attacks.

Social Phobias earlier onset agoraphobia. Predominates in humans. Afraid to speak in public (…), fear of what others.These phobias are accompanied by cognitive distortion (loss of self-esteem, fear of being criticized, judged).

4- Hysterical Neurosis:

– It is part of the transfer of structured neuroses or psychoneuroses related to conflicts related to the early emotional development and infantile sexuality.

– The unconscious psychic conflicts come to symbolize in bodily or mental symptoms, polymorphic => conversion

– The somatoform disorders (… .a beautiful indifference and many details) and somatization are part of the hysterical neurosis


Dissociative amnesia + (usually anterograde) is a selective amnesia

+ Dazed dissociative (hysterical twilight states or catatonic) -> prolonged immobility

+ Trans States and possessions

+ Dissociative disorders of motor skills and sense organs (lameness; dissociative seizures without tongue biting, or loss of urine; syncopal crisis. Dissociative anesthesia …)

+ Ganser syndrome: response combines next, amnesia, disorientation and dissociative disorders.

5- Other Neurosis:

* NEUROSIS asthenic (or neurasthenia) asthenia is a pathological fatigue (feeling with painful difficulty to act) without immediate cause. It combines the presence of complaints and persistent concerns about an increased fatigue after mental or physical effort. Stiffness, dizziness, tension headaches, dyspepsia, anxiety, anhedonia (loss of pleasure) and sleep disorders.

* POST-TRAUMATIC NEUROSIS: after a time variable latency trauma (<6 months), the subject will present specific symptoms or not and a reorganization of his personality.

– Revival in the conscious state (flash back) or as a nightmare of the traumatic scene (displacement, condensation);mental rumination

– Non-specific symptoms (anxiety, asthenia, inhibition, depression, hysterical conversion, social phobia, idealization, peptic ulcer …)

– Reorganization of the regressive personality downturn and inhibition; addiction ; attitude claim (pessimism)