Rheumatoid Arthritis

Polyarthrite rhumatoïde

RA is an autoimmune inflammatory disease of the overall connective tissue predominantly synovium. It is the most common chronic inflammatory rheumatism. The female is strong (sex ratio 1/4). The peak frequency is premenopausal.

1- Clinic:

– Adverse distal joint, bilateral and symmetrical (arthritis)

– The most frequently affected joints: wrists, hands (metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal), the front feet, knees and sometimes métatarsophalagiennes The distal interphalangeal (DIP) are met.

– Tenosynovitis flexors (swelling of the palms, crepitus in palmar flexion, sd carpal tunnel)

– Insidious and progressive beginning. Must be advanced for more than 6 weeks. Chronic if> 3 months

– Usually the thoracolumbar spine and sacroiliac are respected

– Gradually joint and ligament injuries lead to permanent deformation

– Deformation of the hand posterior subluxation of the ulnar head with mobility piano key (threatening the extensor tendons); gooseneck finger (the most common and most annoying); deviation of the fingers Ulnar wind

– There is a risk of tendon rupture (extensors)

– Infringement of the foot (90%): hallux valgus deformity of the big toe and claw of the other toes (foot triangular characteristic)

– The TMJ arthritis (TMJ) are highly suggestive of PR

– Involvement of the cervical spine is common (posterior neck pain). C1-C2 subluxation is typical, it evolves into an anterior dislocation. But neurological complications are rare (occipital neuralgia, spinal cord compression).

2- Biology and Histology:

– VS biological inflammatory syndrome with high leukocytosis normal or high (25%). Normal VS (10%) does not eliminate the diagnosis. A hyperthrombocytose is found in 20% of cases.

– Rheumatoid factor: self-Ac IgG IgM (Fc). They are not specific to the PR. Often negative in the first months of evolution. Latex Test (1 / 80th); Waaler-Rose (1/64 °). They may sensitive (80% after 2 years) and low specificity. It can be detected in other connective (lupus syndrome Sjogren) or chronic infectious diseases (endocarditis Osler, hepatitis C, Kala-azars)

– Anti-keratins Ac (antistratum corneum or anti-fillagrin) are highly specific (99%) but inconstant (sensitivity 44%)

– Other self-Ac Ac antiperinuclear (sensitive and specific enough); antinuclear factor (FAN); anti-RA ac 33

– HLA typing: HLA DR4 is present in 60% of RA. It has a prognostic value

– Synovial fluid: inflammatory types; the complement assay (which is low) and rheumatoid factor has no interest. The ragocytes are PNN with cytoplasmic inclusions). A variegated form lymphocyte dominance can be met.

– Biopsy of synovial: only useful in atypical forms (mono-arthritis). Synovitis is nonspecific and is characterized by hypertrophy of synovial villi and multiplication of fringes. Hyperplasia of synovial villi. The presence of rheumatoid nodules intrasynoviaux is exceptional.

3- Radiological signs:

– Often absent at the beginning (is visible only 1 or 2 years of evolution)

– Then fusiform thickening of soft tissue periarticular

– And increased radiation transparency of the epiphysis (demineralization or osteoporosis band)

– More late (but more evocative) -> periarticular erosions (blurred or notched) to capsular synovial insertion (4th, 5th metatarsal, ulnar styloid, scaphoid)

– The subchondral geodes are sometimes early (first sign to appear)

– Finally, the overall narrowing of the joint space translates cartilage destruction

– Bone condensations and ostéophytoses are absent (except stage arthropathy late sequelae)

– F specific radiological elms

* Rheumatoid carpite: first causes demineralization, pinching interlining, geodes. Then carpite amalgamating with osteolysis and condensation.

* Hand in spyglass (shriveled fingers): very advanced form with osteolysis of the metacarpals and phalanges.

4- Extra-articular manifestation:

– Rheumatoid nodules (15%), subcutaneous (swelling firm and painless to the hands, Achilles tendon …). The visceral nodules are rare.

– Vasculitis: Raynaud’s syndrome; necrotizing vasculitis; purpura, ulcers; mononeuritis

– Felty’s syndrome (splenomegaly leukoneutropenia +);

– Leukemia

– Caplan syndrome: pneumoconiosis (silicosis with intrapulmonary rheumatoid nodules)

– Interstitial diffuse (20%)

– Bronchiectasis (DDB) are common in CT (30%)

– Violations of the serous (pleural, pericardial effusion)

– Sjögren’s syndrome (15%)

– Secondary Amyloidosis AA (5%) late complications

5- Background processing:

– The basic treatment should be started as soon as possible; it blocks the disease; verify the efficacy after 3 months; if no efficiency must increase the dose, change treatment or to an association

– Methotrexate: against-indicated in pregnancy, infection or chronic liver disease (hepatotoxic). Regular monitoring of albuminuria and creatinine and the transaminasémie (risk of cytolytic hepatitis). effective contraception.

– Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil®): synthetic antimalarial; risk of damage to the retina (electroretinogram systematic the first year and examination of color vision every 3 months). Is always used in combination

– Sulfasalazine (Salazopyrine®) monitoring counts liver function tests and platelet counts

– Gold salts (Allochrysine®) control proteinuria and platelet count before each injection

– D-penicillamine (thiol compounds)

– Anti-TNF: these side effects are serious infections, an induced lupus, an abortion

– The crenotherapy is against-indicated thrust

Biotherapy is effective

Pejorative factors:

* Acute onset polyarticular

* Extra-articular Achievement

* Early radiographic bone erosion

* VS and very high CRP

* EN early (<6 months) and high

* HLA-DR ß1 04

* Poor response to DMARD therapy

* High socioeconomic status

+ Diagnostic ACR criteria: arthritis affecting at least 3 joints (PIP, MCP, MTP, wrist, knee, ankle or balanced) lasting for at least 6 weeks, morning stiffness of more than 1 hour (> 6 weeks ), rheumatoid factor, rheumatoid nodules and radiographic changes (osteoporosis band erosions). 4 positive signs are sufficient for diagnosis

Pannus -> synovial proliferation