Accueil Tags Adult

Tag: Adult

Acute dyspnea of ​​the adult

Dyspnea is defined as an abnormal and unpleasant awareness of breathing. It is a symptom that can reveal multiple causes, some of which are life-threatening. Urgent...

Acute abdominal pain of the adult

Acute abdominal pain in adults is common. Their support still remains difficult today and source of error due to: - the multiplicity of etiologies: more than...

Confusion (confusional states of the adult)

Confounding is the clinical expression of temporary acute cerebral decompensation. It results in a global, fluctuating and reversible alteration of cognitive functions. Medical emergency, it comes...
Rupture récente et ancienne du tendon calcanéen de l’adulte

Recent and ancient rupture of the calcaneal tendon of the adult

Epidemiology: The rupture of the calcaneal tendon has been known since antiquity, but its original description comes back to Ambroise Paré, who in 1575 treated...




Symptômes de grossesse

Pregnancy Symptoms

Crise convulsive

Convulsif seizure