Tag: Anorexia

  • Anorexia nervosa of prepubertal child

    Anorexia nervosa of prepubertal child

    Introduction: Anorexia nervosa is considered a psychiatric pathology; However, its somatic complications are multiple, and among these some may be fatal. For decades, the classical form has been that of a young girl or young woman, a Caucasian woman, born in an affluent milieu, living in a city, in a country of Western culture. However,…

  • Anorexia Nervosa

    Anorexia Nervosa

    Anorexia nervosa remains, despite its frequency, a disturbing disease and difficult to master. Its prevalence is large and stable: 0.1 to 1% in Western countries. DIAGNOSTIC: Symptoms and examinations: Recognize anorexia nervosa at the stage of cachexia is very easy. The mentioned earlier, even from the first weeks is more difficult. The classic symptoms of…

  • Anorexia


    Anorexia (Greek anorexia) is etymologically loss or loss of appetite. The practitioner confronted with the patient with anorexia must ask and answer four main questions: – How to diagnose anorexia? – What are the causes of anorexia? – What is its severity? – How to treat the patient? Here more than elsewhere, the overall care…

  • Potential treatment of anorexia nervosa

    Potential treatment of anorexia nervosa

    According to a study published in late 2012, anorexia nervosa and physical hyperactivity are linked by a common molecular mechanism. This discovery could help develop a treatment for this disorder that affects mostly teenagers. Anorexia nervosa is a terrible eating disorder that causes people who suffer continually fight against hunger. The result is a logical…