Tag: antidepressants

  • Sadness to Depression

    Sadness to Depression

    THYMIE: Defined by Jean Delay, the thymie appears as a “variable” participating in psychic functioning of any individual, regardless of his personality, even if it influences changes in his mood. The existence of the “independent” variable is supported by our ability to evaluate it. The simple test is to rate our mood, for example in…

  • Manic Depressive Illness

    Manic Depressive Illness

    1- maniac Access: * Excitation state of mental and motor functions * Insomnia is the earliest symptom * Presentation: slovenly, extravagant, hypermimie, mannerism, playfulness, grimaces, anger, disgust, passion; wishes of perfect symmetry. * Contact is hypersyntone familiar * Cognitive Impairment: hypoprosexie (dispersion of attention); tachypsychia and verbal diarrhea (passage of one subject to another); verbal…

  • Insomnia


    DIAGNOSIS OF INSOMNIA: Long trivialized or minimized to the point of being absent from the reasons for consultation and medical examinations, insomnia nevertheless proves to be a serious condition because of its impact on quality of life. Sleep multiple roles come largely in the physical and mental health of individuals, including alertness and memory and…

  • Bulimia


    Bulimia is defined as the compulsive absorption large quantities of food, unrelated to hunger, and usually ending with spontaneous vomiting or more often provoked.This is a common condition and perhaps underestimated the extent that subjects who have it hide the access they are victims. The prevalence of the disease was assessed in a meta-analysis by…

  • Antidepressants


    Anticholinergic effects sedative antidepressant amitriptyline. 1- Indications: Obsessive compulsive disorders * * Panic attacks and phobic disorders * Alcohol and Addiction * Sexual dysfunction (premature ejaculation) * Sleep Disorders * Enuresis * Other information: migraines; chronic pain; neuralgia V; Parkinson’s disease; syndrome Gélineau 2- Side effects: A- Psychic: Somnolence, insomnia, anxiety exacerbation switch into mania,…