Tag: Asthma

  • Asthma


    Asthma is defined as a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways associated with bronchial hyper-reactivity responsible for recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing. Generally these symptoms are accompanied by bronchial obstruction, usually reversible spontaneously or with treatment. The factors triggering / aggravating asthma are numerous: allergens, infections, exercise, certain medications (aspirin), tobacco,…

  • Asthma


    – BHR (BHR) is almost constant but not specific for asthma (it can be seen in bronchitis, COPD, DDB, abortion). It can also be induced by drugs (beta blockers, ACE …). – Histamine causes bronchoconstriction by direct effect on the smooth muscle. Other bronchoconstrictors products are: leukotriene, thromboxane, prostaglandin D2 PG; acetylcholine; Substance P; α…

  • Asthma and allergy in children increased risk for fast food ?

    Asthma and allergy in children increased risk for fast food ?

    According to a study published Monday, children and adolescents who consume more than 3 times a week for fast-food food are at increased risk of suffering from severe asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema. While fast food is already accused of favoring more health problems, it is a new mischief has unveiled a study published in…

  • Beta blockers

    Beta blockers

    1- ß1 receptors: – Myocardial cells – Device juxtaglomerular – Adipocytes 2- ß2 receptors: – Blood vessels – Bronchi – Uterus 3- Common properties: * On the cardiovascular system + Inotropic effects, chronotropic, and dromotropic bathmotropic negative + Decreased cardiac output of blood pressure with increase in total peripheral resistance. * On the renin-angiotensin system…