Tag: Chlamydia

  • Urethral Discharge

    Urethral Discharge

    The urethral discharge is found almost exclusively in humans. The main causative organisms are Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea) and Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia). The presence of a urethral discharge should be recognized in a clinical examination 1. In humans, gently massage the urethra if the flow is not visible. Urethral discharge should also be sought in patients…

  • Pneumonia


    A- Legionella pneumonia: * Around 5% of community bacterial pneumonia * Outbreaks exist; the germ grows in contact with water, tanks (air conditioners, earthworks) * It is often sporadic forms * The beginning is rapidly progressive with high fever, chills; dry cough * Clinical examination often found suggestive extra-respiratory signs: digestive disorders; neurological (confusion, agitation,…

  • Chlamydia


    HISTORY: In 1906, Von Prowazek Haelberstaeder and discover inclusions in conjoncdvaux smear trachoma. Moulder in 1964 shows that these microorganisms are intracellular bacteria development. They were designated in turn under the names: Bedsonia, Myagawanella,néorickettsies … The order of chiamydiales (Greek = little jacket) with the only family Chiamydiaceae was created. The Chlomydiaceae were separated rickettsiae…

  • Bacteria Vaginosis

    Bacteria Vaginosis

    I – GENERAL ON VAGINOSIS: The vaginosis or nonspecific vaginitis are frequent infections, characterized by vaginal discharge and due to other agents as Candida, Trichomonas, Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis. This condition reflects an imbalance of the vaginal flora. Lactobacilli forming the normal flora of the vagina (flora Döderlein) disappeared and were replaced by abundant…

  • Urogenital Infections in Humans

    Male urethritis: The definition is cytological: ≥ 10 PNN on the review of the first urine stream at a magnification of 400 and at least 5 PNN mile magnification; serous or purulent urethral discharge; ductal pruritus; burning on urination; urinary frequency; dysuria. Gonococcal urethritis: – The transmission is still sexual; Incubation is short (always <5…