Tag: Elderly

  • Confusion of the elderly

    Confusion of the elderly

    It is an acute state, transient, reversible, early onset, the installation of disorders evolving for a few hours or a few days. He associates obnubilation, temporospacial disorientation, a state of dreamlike delirium with somatic disorders. CLINIC: The disorders are fluctuating during the day, worsen in general at night. ■ Alternation of stuporous phases and stirring phases ■ Anxiety,…

  • Falls of the elderly subject

    Falls of the elderly subject

    The fall of the elderly is a very common problem. One-third of subjects over the age of 65 fall at least once a year, compared to more than half over 85 years of age. Fall symptom, fall by clumsiness, whatever its etiology, it is never commonplace and is an open door to dependence and institutionalization. The various problems…