Tag: Endocarditis

  • Infectious Endocarditis

    Infectious Endocarditis

    CLINICAL SIGNS: * fever variable without particularity, elevated with chills in acute forms. * appearance or aggravation of a heart murmur. * alteration of the general state, slimming, arthralgia. * fake osaris parsley painful and fleeting. * moderate inconstant splenomegaly. * rarely, erythematous palmoplantar eruption. * complications: – acute heart failure with OAP. – atrioventricular conduction disorders. – cerebral or coronary septic emboli. * any…

  • Monitoring a Patient Valve

    Monitoring a Patient Valve

    Warning: • Any valve must consult a cardiologist once a year. • The Doppler echocardiography is the most accurate monitoring technology. • The infective endocarditis prophylaxis is no longer systematic in most cases, but a periodic dental check is imperative (2 times per year). • Avoid piercing, tattoos. • Blood cultures in doubt Clinic: The…

  • Fever


    Fever is defined as a temperature higher than 37.5 ° C axillary and 38 ° C rectally. It is usual to consider that taking axillary temperature underestimates 0.5 ° C core temperature but this is very approximate. Use an electronic thermometer if possible (The temperature must be taken for 5 minutes when using a mercury…