Tag: Hypovolemia

  • State of Shock

    State of Shock

    Acute circulatory failure leading to inadequate tissue perfusion which, if prolonged, causes irreversible damage to all organs. Mortality is high in the absence of a diagnosis and early treatment. Etiology and Pathophysiology: Hypovolemic shock: – Hypovolemia by real significant decrease in blood volume: • Hemorrhage externalized or not: post-traumatic, per and postoperative, obstetric (ectopic pregnancy,…

  • Burns


    Burns are skin trauma, produced by thermal agents, electrical, chemical or radiation. They still cause significant pain and can sometimes be life-threatening and / or functional. Classification of burns: Severe burns: one or more of the following: – Body surface area burned (SCB) greater than 10% in children and 15% in adults – Injuries by…