Tag: Neoplasia

  • Polyendocrinopathy

    Multiple endocrine neoplasia 1: * SYNDROME Wermer: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type I: – Hyperparathyroidism 90 to 100% – Violation of the endocrine pancreas (90%): Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (gastrinoma) insulinoma; glucanome;vipoma (Verner and Morrison syndrome) – Involvement of the anterior pituitary (40%): GH adenoma; prolactinoma – Carcinoid tumor (5%) * SPPEL SYNDROME (NMS TYPE 2a): – Medullary…

  • Mouth ulcers

    Mouth ulcers

    Warning: • Before an atypical ulcer, do not overlook an ulcerated neoplasia or other inflammatory disease. • If recurrent canker sore, do not ignore a systemic disease; search for genital sites. • Treatment is symptomatic ulcers vulgar.   The common canker sore has a typical clinical aspect: it is ulceration of the oral mucosa, round…