
Acute Glomerulonephritis

– Infringement inflammatory kidney glomeruli, of immunologic origin, most often occurring several weeks after a streptococcal infection (tonsillitis, skin infection or other infection). It mainly affects children more than 3 years and young adults.

– The prognosis is sometimes put into play by the importance of fluid retention (OAP, cerebro-meningeal edema). But evolution is almost always favorable: clinical signs have disappeared within days of proteinuria in a few weeks, the macroscopic haematuria few months.

Clinical signs:

– Salt and water retention of varying importance, sometimes limited to discrete eyelid edema; Sometimes edema of the lower limbs (soft, painless, pitting); Sometimes major: acute pulmonary edema (APO) or cerebral edema sometimes indicative of disease seizures.

– High blood pressure (HBP)

– Macroscopic hematuria

– Oliguria with concentrated urine

– Often abundant Proteinuria


– Bed rest, unsystematic

– Strict salt and water restriction

– In case of significant edema only:

furosemide PO

Children: 1-2 mg / kg / day in 2 divided doses

Adult: 40 to 60 mg / day in 2 divided doses

– Treatment of complications of fluid retention:



• convulsions

– Treatment of infection if it is still present during acute glomerulonephritis episode.


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