Tag: Alzheimer’s

  • Gait disorders and falls in the elderly

    Gait disorders and falls in the elderly

    INTRODUCTION: The physiological walking requires the smooth functioning of afférentiels sensory systems, vestibular, visual, peripheral nerves, muscles, and the integrity of the motor structures, extrapyramidal and cerebellar. Despite its complexity, it is an essentially automatic activity involving a vast system of controls and checks. Too common in the elderly, falls should always be considered a…

  • Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by Omega 3 and vitamin D

    Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by Omega 3 and vitamin D

    Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease particularly fear. It currently affects over 860,000 people in France and this figure could double by 2020. US researchers come perhaps to find a path to effectively fight against this disease. Currently no cure has been found to cure Alzheimer’s disease. Issued drugs can only slow the degeneration. Boost the…