Tag: Beta Blockers

  • Stable Angina

    Stable Angina

    Warning: • Angina is only one manifestation of coronary insufficiency (which may itself be the cause of ischemic heart failure, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia supraventricular and ventricular, or sudden death). • Ischemia can be painless, “silent” (the symptoma¬tologie is unfaithful). • Interest additional tests such as stress testing and stress echo to assess the existence and…

  • Drugs During Pregnancy

    Drugs During Pregnancy

    * Aminoglycosides: can be used for periods of less than a week for serious infection * NSAIDs: to be used in case of severe birth threat before 32 weeks. If NSAIDs are used after -> risk of IRA; risk of premature closure of the ductus arteriosus => PAH. * Antibiotics: – Beta-lactams pass the placenta…

  • Beta blockers

    Beta blockers

    1- ß1 receptors: – Myocardial cells – Device juxtaglomerular – Adipocytes 2- ß2 receptors: – Blood vessels – Bronchi – Uterus 3- Common properties: * On the cardiovascular system + Inotropic effects, chronotropic, and dromotropic bathmotropic negative + Decreased cardiac output of blood pressure with increase in total peripheral resistance. * On the renin-angiotensin system…