Tag: chronic

  • Chronic diarrhea

    Chronic diarrhea

    Diarrhea is a symptom which is defined in several ways, most often by the number of daily bowel movements, but also by their consistency, their volume or weight. The patient focuses mainly on the consistency of his stools and their numbers, the quantitative aspect is more difficult to assess. The volume or weight of stool…

  • Glaucoma


    1- acute angle closure glaucoma: * Occurs in susceptible patients (hyperopic) * The pupillary block occurs during mydriasis triggered by stress, the transition to the dark, general anesthesia, eye drops mydriatic, or para sympatholytic sympathomimetic drugs. * The decrease in visual acuity and total mass; digestive symptoms * Reduced transparency of the cornea (corneal edema)…

  • Chronic renal failure

    Chronic renal failure

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as a chronic decrease in glomerular filtration rate. In France, about 2 million people have CKD. Risk subjects were hypertensive, diabetic and aged 70 or more (where the frequency of CKD is higher among men than women; men of this age, the frequency of the IRC is 5-7 times…