Tag: Effusion

  • Pleural effusion

    Pleural effusion

    This frequent symptom is observed in many clinical pictures. The diagnosis of pleurisy is clinical and a simple radiograph of face and profile is usually sufficient to confirm the diagnosis. The pleural puncture is most of the time essential to the research of the etiological diagnosis. This is often easy with the context but can be…

  • Pneumothorax


    1- Syndrome gaseous effusion of the pleura: – Relative immobility of the hemithorax injured – Abolition of local vibrations – Hypersonorité percussion – Abolition breath sounds 2- severity of clinical signs: – Pneumothorax compressive or undervoltage whose suggestive signs are: * Acute respiratory failure with dyspnea, tachypnea, cyanosis and inability to speak * The affected…