Tag: Liver
Liver Biopsy
Indications: The interest of the biopsy should be carefully weighed before the risks. This is thanks to a liver tissue sampling to know the liver condition, information that can be useful in case of chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis scalable. Cons-indications: cholestatic liver disease (obstruction of the bile duct blocking the functioning of the liver). Patient…
Liver cancer: treatment by a virus
Pexa-Vec, a genetically engineered virus was developed to target cancer cells and destroy them. A recent US study shows its positive effects on thirty patients with liver cancer. It is a new hope for patients with cancer: a virus developed by the American company Jennerex would extend the life of patients with end-stage liver cancer.…
Amoebiasis is a parasitic infection caused by intestinal protozoan Entamoeba histolytica. The transmission is fecal-oral (hands, water and food contaminated with feces containing amoebic cysts). Usually, ingested cysts release in the intestine of non-pathogenic amoebae and 90% of carriers are asymptomatic. In a small number of people infected, pathogenic amoebae penetrate the mucous colon: the…
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