Tag: Neurosis

  • Neurosis


    * These are psychiatric conditions without defined etiology. The predominant disturbance is a group of symptoms that the patient considers undesirable (ego-dystonic) causing mental suffering recognized by the subject. There is no disturbance of the perception of reality and contact. * Neurotic symptoms are considered an expression of defenses to protect the ego from anxiety…

  • Nature and Significance of the Neurosis

    Nature and Significance of the Neurosis

    Nature and significance of the neurosis. Escape from reality. The shelter in the disease. The regression. Relations between Pathological phenomena and various manifestations of normal life. Art. The transfer. Sublimation. The discovery of infantile sexuality and the reduction of neurotic symptoms to erotic instinctual components have led us to some unexpected formulas on gasoline and…

  • Limit States: from the current nosology to a third entity

    Limit States: from the current nosology to a third entity

    The current paradigm: Psychoses and neuroses are structural variations of “rock crystal” that is the personality, according to the design system and Arcane representation of the human psyche advanced by Freud and his heirs, proponents of psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is the basis of the most common reading grid for mental disorders but it is, at present,…