Tag: Splenomegaly

  • Recurrent fever (Borreliosis)

    Recurrent fever (Borreliosis)

    Relapsing fever (FR) are caused by spirochetes of the genus Borrelia, transmitted to humans by arthropod vectors. Relapsing fever (FRP): FRP is caused by Borrelia recurrentis. The disease develops in epidemic when conditions favorable to the spread of body lice are met: cold weather, overcrowding and poor hygiene (eg refugee camps, prisons..). Endemic foci are…

  • Splenomegaly


    Positive diagnosis: 1- Circumstances of discovery: • Sometimes the spleen is sought before the typical functional signs: splénalgie (left upper quadrant pain increased to the deep and radiating inspiration ramp to the left shoulder) or pain type postprandial heaviness, fullness gastric or digestive disorders bastards. • Sometimes the discovery of splenomegaly was guided by a suggestive…

  • Pancytopenia


    Pancytopenia is defined by a decrease in blood lines 3 on the data numérationformule: – Decreased hemoglobin (<13 g / dL in men, 12 g / dL in women); – Decrease in neutrophils (<1,5.109 / L); – Low platelets (<150,109 / L). Diagnosis of pancytopenia: The diagnosis is suspected in: – an anemic syndrome (pallor,…

  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Diagnosis: This is a retirement disease: the average age of patients is 65 years, 2/3 of cases are over 60 years old at diagnosis;the cases observed before age 40 are exceptional. There is a discrete male predominance (61%). A- Clinical manifestations: 1- Latency clinic: The disease is often clinically latent and long. More than half…

  • Splenomegaly


    ANATOMY: The spleen is located in the left hypochondrium in the diaphragmatic dome. The normal rate measuring 10 to 12 cm in height and it is not palpable. In adulthood, the spleen has a role as defense barrier against encapsulated bacteria, physiological destruction of red blood cells. The spleen is an organ with multiple functions:…