Activité des minéraux les plus étudiés en Nutrithérapie - Magnésium

Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy – Magnesium


Macronutrient 2 leme cation (after K) intracellular (the most abundant in cells), 20% of the Mg is in the bone.

Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy - Magnesium Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy - MagnesiumCatalyst of 400 fundamental biochemical reactions and catalyst of all the reactions which make it possible to pass calories to energy (ATP), in particular all the phosphorylations.

Mg has two major functions: (1) energy production and (2) energy saving by modulating stress of all kinds (thermal, toxic, inflammatory, psychological, etc.)

=> Mg is a universal preservative, which explains why its deficit is a factor in disturbances and pathologies of all kinds.

The HLA B35 tissue group (18% population) has poorer cellular retention of Mg and is therefore more sensitive and more vulnerable to stress and its cardiovascular manifestations.

There are 6 known recaptors of Mg

RDA: 375 mg (F) -420 mg (US)

  • Average intakes 204 mg / day in women if 1700 cal / day because 120 mg / 1000 cal
  • Average intake 264 mg / day in humans if 2200 cal / day because 120 mg / 1000 cal
  • Daily deficits of 100 to 200 mg / day plus overuse (stress, estrogen, coffee, drugs, etc.) The magnesium deficit has no immediate repercussions but is the leading cause
  • of fatigue
  • anxiety, stress
  • spastic disorders and myalgia
  • triggering and aggravation of most pathologies

It is a major factor

  • infections (decrease in energy, entry of iron, microbial growth factor into the cell,…)
  • acceleration of tumor development
  • allergy
  • inflammation
  • oxidative and nitrative stress
  • acceleration of aging
  • early mortality


1) Roles in energetics:

a) Key role in energy, ATP production: each stage of the Krebs cycle is magnesium-dependent and the Krebs cycle co-enzymes (B1, B2, B3) are activated by phosphorylation using magnesium. The release of energy by ATPases is magnesium-dependent.

b) First cause of fatigue is the lack of magnesium (combine it with an optimization of calories and oxygen)

c) Can restore fertility in women (most often related to fatigue)

2) Anti-stress roles:

Modulator of all stresses: inflammatory, allergic, ionic (Na / K), toxic, thermal, pollution, psychological, …

a) Magnesium is the physiological calcium channel blocker, but Ca is the second messenger of noradrenaline. There is a mechanism of intracellular antagonism between Ca and Mg.

  • Ca drives out Mg, Mg is less available and it is the essential catalyst for ATP production, stress leads to fatigability, i.e. a decrease in the ability to produce energy and more difficulty in coping with stress
  • As Mg is vital, it is necessary to recapture a maximum in the cell: 6 recaptors but the Mg circulating in the blood increases (homeostasis), and it is not possible to recapture everything at 100%. Some people have genetically less efficient reuptakes (like HLA B 35)
  • For the same stress, we will have more Ca which enters the cell because of a lack of Mg, it is the vicious circle of the amplification of the stress

b) Modulates cerebral norepinephrine, noradrenergic neurons linked to anxiety, hypervigilance, are overactivated in the event of magnesium drop

c) Modulates another type of neuro-excitatory neurotransmitter circuit (aspartate and glutamate). Affected receptors (NMDA) are important in anxiety, pain, epilepsy or hyperactivity disorders

d) Favorable effect of Mg in hypertension (against labile hypertension alone, against other hypertension with other measures)

  • in modulation
  • in the spastic reaction of the vessels to stress (including in the coronaries)

3) Anti-inflammatory roles:

a) Anti-inflammatory (part of the anti-inflammatory triad with Omega3 and Polyphenols)

b) Reduces the activation of white blood cells

  • the allergist Favennec discovered that Mg is able to prevent the degranulation of mast cells (which secrete histamine) => anti-rhinitis / anti-allergic / antihistamine
  • later we discover that magnesium calms the activation of all white blood cells
  • anti-inflammatory role
  • also because inhibits the passage of iron, violently pro-inflammatory in cells
  • in total lowers the CRP-us

4 ) Antiproliferative effect of microbial and viral agents by inhibiting the passage of iron into cells

5) Antitoxic roles by opposing the cellular penetration of heavy metals: Hg, Pb, Cd… (including through the placenta)

6) Antihistamine – anti-allergic roles

a) antihistamine on both routes: allergic IgE route and non-allergic route (bradvkinin)

b) Mg is a modulator of mast cell degranulation, mediated by calcium The allergist Favennec has discovered that Mg is able to prevent the degranulation of mast cells (which secrete histamine)

7) Cardiovascular effects of Mg:

a) reduction in the absorption of saturated fats (Ca and Mg form unabsorbed precipitates)

b) lower triglycerides and overall improvement in lipid profile, including increased HDL cholesterol

c) increases the utilization and transport of glucose (ATP)

d) reduces glycation and oxidation of lipoproteins (LDL cholesterol)

e) antihypertensive

  • anti water retention: sodium pump catalyst which releases a sodium ion against the entry of a potassium ion,
  • antispastic on the smooth muscle cells of the arteries (beta-blocker effect),
  • opposes the entry of calcium into cells (calcium channel blocker effect),
  • opposes the entry of iron into cells which has an anti-inflammatory and protective effect on endothelial function which produces NO °, nitric oxide, the main vasodilator,
  • reduces the overactivation of white blood cells which complements this anti-inflammatory effect.

f) antiarrhythmic

g) protector of myocardial cells against ischemia which leads to cell death if there is no longer enough oxygen, glucose, ATP. In this case, the calcium massively enters the cells of the myocardium which is “dizzy”. This state remains reversible thanks to magnesium, otherwise there is necrosis. Therefore, we recommend the injection of Mg during an infarction as soon as possible.

h) reduces the catecholamines associated with stress therefore the intracellular penetration of iron and calcium (acute stress is very often found in the week preceding a heart attack)

8) Mg is necessary for the prevention and treatment of overweight:

The more a person is deficient in magnesium, the more they are tired and vulnerable to stress Fatigue and stress contribute to increasing calorie intake. However, calories cannot be converted into ATP if magnesium is lacking. Glucose and fatty acids circulate, form triglycerides, which enter fatty tissue.

=> Magnesian inputs are inversely correlated with

  • to the percentage of body fat
  • at IMC
  • around the waist
  • and furthermore to the inflammatory status which is associated with overweight and even more with the metabolic syndrome.

=> low Mg intakes are a significant risk factor for metabolic syndrome and depression (the depressive tendency is most often present in metabolic syndrome)

9) Mg is needed in the treatment of diabetes:

You cannot treat diabetes without Mg because:

Mg contributes to each stage of the transformation of glucose into ATP, the more it is transformed, the less there is in the blood, which causes an osmotic call of glucose from the blood to the interior of the cells. glucose by osmosis with the help of magnesium phosphorylation of insulin receptors which can only be done thanks to magnesium is necessary for them to be active

diabetics are more deeply deficient in magnesium than non-diabetics

10) Magnesium helps prevent and treat osteoporosis:

When the Ca decreases, the parathyroid hormone breaks down the bone to support the serum calcium. But parathyroid hormone is also triggered by the drop in Mg (20% of which is found in the bone) which releases a little Mg and a lot of Ca!

Magnesium is needed to prevent excess calcium from getting into cells and being deposited in soft tissue and for it to go into bone tissue, and it helps reduce inflammation that plays a role in oxidation of bone tissue and its destruction.

11) Magnesium activates B vitamins by phosphorylation:

  • folic acid (B9) to MTHF
  • thiamine (B1) in TPP
  • riboflavin (B2) in FAD or FMN
  • vitamin PP (B3) in NADH or NADPH
  • vitamin B6 in PLP (pyridoxal phosphate)

12) Magnesium has analgesic effects:

Magnesium inhibits all of its peripheral or central mediators known as: bradykinin, substance P, histamine, prostaglandins and leukotrienes, NMDA receptor agonists….

and reduces pain on average by 30% (all pain: post trauma, inflammatory, cancerous, etc.) • It is therefore used as a complementary treatment for anesthesia and perioperatively Pain is present in many situations It can be linked to intense muscular effort, to fatigue, whether acute or chronic, as in fibromyalgia, to musculoskeletal disorders (headaches, neck, back pain, etc.), trauma, inflammation or tumor processes, etc….

Sota Omoigui et al, The biochemical origin of pain – proposing a new law of pain the origin of all pain is Inflammation and the inflammatory response – a unifying law of pain, Med Hypotheses, 2007, 69 (1): 70-82

13) Magnesium is overused by hyperestrogenia:

Fachinetti has shown that in the second period of the cycle, the rise in estrogen causes a depression of magnesium, which contributes to PMS (water retention and anxiety).

The hyperestrogenia associated with endometriosis can therefore contribute to the increase in pain.

The situation where estrogen rises the most is pregnancy. Taking magnesium from the start of pregnancy greatly reduces premature births, improves growth in utero, improves the Apgar score at birth, reduces the risk of eclampsia and pregnancy-induced diabetes.

14) Mg and cognitive decline:

Magnesium is a major neuroprotector because it participates in:

  • modulation of NMDA receptors whose hyperactivity is neurotoxic,
  • inhibition of the passage of iron, which is powerfully pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory in neurons under the effect of noradrenaline (it is found concentrated in the neurons of patients with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases),
  • inhibition of the penetration of neurotoxic heavy metals, including mercury and lead,
  • bioenergetics which enables all neuronal functions, including DNA repair,
  • to protection against psychological stress, glucocorticoids having been shown by Robert Sapolsky (Stanford University) capable of destroying the neurons of the hippocampus, central in memorization operations.

Cortisol increases with stress and with age. Magnesium reduces cortisol surges.

Wang D et al, Targeting the NMDA receptor subunit NR2B for treating or preventing age-related memory decline Expert Opin Ther Targets, 2014, 18 (10): 1121-30

Note: Nutritional and behavioral modulators of the NMDA receptor are:

  • magnesium
  • zinc
  • antioxidants
  • avoidance of glutamate (including the additive MSG) and aspartate
  • vitamin B6 which converts glutamate into GABA
  • the management of stress, anxiety, high drive tension and pain

15) Mg and sleep:

  • decreases glutamate and aspartate (neuro-exciters)
  • increases GABA (inducer of falling asleep, sleep)
  • increases GABA receptor activity
  • reduces the activity of the NMDA receptor (because it reduces the entry of calcium)
  • modulates norepinephrine and histamine, two neurotransmitters that keep you awake
  • reduces cortisol which is the energizing hormone in the morning (but which can rise with stress)
  • has a sedative effect on the vegetative system which promotes rest

promotes the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin (derived from serotonin), which play essential roles in the quality of sleep

16) Enzymatic activator magnesium:

Through phosphorylation, Magnesium activates many functions of enzymes, receptors, transporters, etc.

Signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency:

The nutritional deficit in magnesium, amplified or not by a predisposition to hyperexcitability (HLA B35), results in:

  • muscle tension, including smooth muscles (colopathy), and latent tetany, cramps, tingling
  • fatigue which can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome
  • hyperventilation
  • cardiovascular erethism (neurotonic heart, palpitations, extrasystoles, labile hypertension, etc.)
  • transit disorders, bloating, BV spasms
  • spastic or allergic rhinitis
  • other allergies (allergies can be studied by creating atopic animals by making them deficient in Mg)
  • dermographism, neurodermatitis (around the mouth, the anus, etc. by hypersensitivity of the nerve endings which release Substance P, Bradykinin, Histamine and which causes irritation)
  • inflammation
  • vulnerability to infections (simply from lack of energy to produce antibodies and multiply white blood cells).
  • anxiety, a “neurotic” syndrome, “psychasthenia”, psychosomatric disorders of all kinds
  • decreased visual acuity
  • early loss of hearing ability through exposure to noise
  • accelerated cognitive decline (stress is responsible for early loss of hippocampal neurons via glucocorticoid receptors)
  • disorders associated with hyperestrogenia, such as premenstrual syndrome
  • almost all pathological disturbances of redness and in utero growth

Risks of Mg Deficiency During Pregnancy :

Cellular Retainers of Magnesium Mg:

Under the effect of stress, calcium enters the cells massively and flushes out magnesium. As this is vital for cells, they have at least 6 reuptake systems. The endocrinologist Jean

Durlach discovered that taurine, a sulfur-containing amino acid, helps to better recapture magnesium through several mechanisms.

Taurine spares magnesium and magnesium spares taurine. As a result, they are systematically combined in supplements. Especially since taurine has synergistic effects, independent of magnesium as a sedative neurotransmitter, antiepileptic, anti-water retention, antiarrhythmic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic … Taurine has been shown to protect most organs, including heart and brain.


Another amino acid, arginine contributes with magnesium to reduce the rise of cortisol, to protect mitochondria, energy plants, to increase nitric oxide, vasodilator …

Vitamin B6

is also systematically integrated into a magnesium complex because it is poorly supplied in more than 90% of the population overused by stress, inflammation, estrogen, and because it contributes with magnesium to the synthesis of sedative neurotransmitters: serotonin, GABA and taurine.


Basic measures:

  • increased intake
  • reduction of antagonists
  • increased reuptake
  • stress reduction (overuse)

Mineralized waters (Contrex, Hépar, Badoit, Quézac, etc.), legumes, peas, soybeans – tofu in particular, oilseeds and dried fruits, semi-complete cereals (rice, oats, rye, quinoa, buckwheat, etc.), green vegetables (photosynthesis).

The absorption of magnesium is not inhibited by calcium unless disproportionate amounts are used.

=> Drugs that inhibit absorption: Tetracyclines

=> Factors increasing urinary excretion: Gentamycin, Cisplatin,

=> Factors interfering with the metabolism: Iron, neuroleptics, estrogen (peak during pregnancy), pill

=> Factors reducing bio-availability: foods rich in phosphorus (dairy products / sodas) produce insoluble precipitates

=> Proton pump inhibitors cause hypomagnesemia which can be fatal. Many people taking this medication outside of the indications or for periods longer than those indicated (75%). The negative consequences of hypomagnesemia is a factor in increasing digestive inflammation, hyperacidity => this increases the problem

=> (if Pantomed => Mg)

Urinary Mq losses are favored by:

  • saturated fats
  • excess sugar
  • Coffee
  • stress
  • some drugs

Many studies of magnesium supplementation objectify effects

  • PMS ameliorators
  • analgesics
  • anti-allergic
  • antiarrhythmics
  • anti-depressants
  • Antiepileptics
  • anti-fatigue and ergogenic, including in fibromyalgia
  • anti-hypertensive drugs, even apart from labile hypertension
  • anti-inflammatory
  • anti-insomnia
  • anxiolytics
  • able to help control status asthmaticus
  • facilitators of exiting addictions (benzodiazepines, alcohol, tobacco, etc.)
  • modulators of noise toxicity on the ear
  • neuroprotectors in premature babies….
  • allow the decalcification of scapulohumeral periarthritis and other calcifications, including post-traumatic
  • positive in hyperactivity and autism
  • prevent the formation of calcium kidney stones
  • platelet aggregation reducers
  • reducing eclampsia and prematurity in pregnant women
  • osteopenia reducers (even without calcium)
  • reducers of destroyed size in the myocardium, arrhythmias and death in infarction
  • reducers of serotonergic dysfunctions
  • lipid profile regulators
  • spasmolytics
  • tocolytics (on threat of premature labor)

There are 3 generations of magnesium salts:

  • inorganic salts (poorly absorbed and laxatives) – sulphate, oxide, chloride … with HCl (stomach) many become chlorides (acidifying): note that “marine magnesium” is a mixture of the 3 worst salts: oxide, chloride and sulphate
  • organic salts (better tolerated and absorbed) – but negative effects with lactate (anxiety) and aspartate (neurotoxic because excitatory on NMDA), taurinate (higher doses of taurine are needed to have a retentive effect), pidolate, malate, citrate ( the least bad of organic), …
  • liposoluble salts (glycerophosphate, it is not acidifying but pH neutral) associated with magnesio-retentors (taurine, B6, possibly arginine)

=> Attack treatment, corrective treatment, nutritional dose, maintenance dose in relation to the circumstances

  • attack cure, corrective of the deficit: 600 to 900 mg / day = 1.5 to 2.5 times the AJ R to recover the deficits, from 1 to 6 months
  • end of treatment marked by recovery of normal energy and normal reactivity to stress,
  • maintenance nutritional dosage: 300-400 mg / day (to be personalized)
  • increased needs during pregnancy from 450 to 800 mg / day => exponential rise in estrogen

Importance of FRAGMENTATION OF TAKES (ideally three per day) to keep magnesemia stable over 24 hours


  • Tinnitus, deafness
  • Adolescence (most stressful time)
  • Cardiac arrhythmias: 600 to 900 mg / day Thrombotic or hemorrhagic stroke Hot flushes
  • Bruxism
  • Kidney stones, calcifications Cervalgia, torticollis, low back pain Cis-plastine => supplement in Mg
  • Colitis, spastic vesicle, gastric heaviness, aerophagia, constipation, bloating
  • Angor crisis
  • Clear urine cystitis
  • Type II diabetes: 600 to 900 mg / day
  • Pregnancy diabetes, toxemia, previous preterm delivery, previous postpartum blues Dyslipidemia
  • Voice dystonia (voice changed by emotion as the larynx tightens)
  • Pain (back pain, neck pain, headache, myalgia, sciatica, peripheral neuropathies.)
  • Endometriosis
  • Fatigue, fatigability
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Tingling, cramps, contractures Pregnancy (exponential explosion of estrogen)
  • Hiccups, tic, trismus
  • Hyperactivity, nervousness
  • Hypertension (labile and organic hypertension)
  • Infarction; Mg infusion then relayed by oral supplements Heart failure: 600 to 900 mg / day (coenzyme Q10 is combined)
  • PPI => compensate for the hypomagnesemic effect
  • Ischemia prevention of cardiac pathologies are characterized by ischemia
  • Migraines
  • Osteoporosis
  • Palpitations, extrasystoles, many other Parkinson’s arrhythmias
  • Mitral valve prolapse
  • Pseudo dizziness, faintness
  • Psoriasis (always present stressor)
  • Painful periods
  • Fluid retention, fatigue edema, …
  • Nocturnal awakenings with anxiety and negative thoughts Senior: slowing of aging Premenstrual syndrome, hyperestrogenia
  • Athletes: Prevention of sports accidents (strain, tendonitis, tearing)
  • Stress
  • Overweight
  • Raynaud syndrome Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • HLA B35 hypersensitivity to stress field (18% of the population), but several other genetic sites (therefore probably concerns 25% of the population)
  • High drive tension with serotonergic dysfunction: impulsivity, attraction to sweets, alcohol, tobacco, increase in accidents (around 25% of the population)



  • Myasthenia gravis: autoimmune neuromuscular pathology, as Mg is musculo-relaxing, not indicated if the patient has collapsed muscle activity
  • Severe bradycardia: heart too slow
  • Guillain-Baré disease: viral disease, paralysis

Precautions for use:

  • Take Mg away from certain drugs (quinolones, tetracyclines, nitrofurantoin, bisphosphonates, L-Thyroxine)
  • Reduce the dose of Mg when taking a calcium channel blocker or reduce the dose of it
  • Stop taking Mg during infectious cystitis, if you tend to have kidney stones
  • If renal failure, reduce the dose away from the days of dialysis to avoid the accumulation of Mg not excreted by the kidney (dialysis solves this problem)
  • Arginine is not suitable in cases of cancer (because it is a source of polyamines that are cell growth factors), septic shock, sepsis, herpes outbreak because arginine can amplify herpes, increase polyamines, growth factors cancer cells, and amplify septic shock via NO °
  • (D Stress tablets 32 mg of magnesium-element and D Stress Booster sticks 200 mg of magnesium-element also contain arginine, at Synergia – Magdyn, sachets of 300 mg of magnesium-element do not contain arginine – the two forms are associated with taurine which is a cellular magnesium retentor).

Factors increasing the risk of Mo deficiency:

  • Unbalanced diets
  • Acute or chronic stress
  • HLA B35 and other genetic terrains
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Female gender (estrogen)
  • Premenstrual syndrome
  • Pregnancy
  • Multiparity
  • Twinning
  • Contraceptive pill
  • HRT (menopause)
  • Excess fast sugars
  • Excess saturated fat
  • Excess dairy products
  • Excess phosphorus (dairy products, sodas)
  • Excess fructose
  • Excess of coffee (decreased absorption, increased urinary excretion)
  • Alcoholism
  • Excess iron (meat)
  • Diet poor in plants
  • Athletic, he can perform the same with less energy expenditure or improve his performance
  • Overweight
  • Diabetes
  • Inflammation
  • Oxidative stress
  • Heat
  • Certain diuretics
  • Proton pump inhibitors
  • Certain antibiotics
  • Neuroleptics
  • Cisplatin

Digestive pathologies associated with malabsorption, diarrhea

Author Jean-Paul Curtay


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