Predominance of PNN
* Bacterial meningitis decapitated
* Bacterial meningitis early
* Listeriosis
* Reaction to a meningeal infection site
* Endocarditis
* Tuberculosis
* Listeriosis
* Cryptococcosis
* Borreliosis …
* Listeriosis
* Brucellosis
* Leptospirosis
– The Listerial dreaded meningitis in immunocompromised, pregnant women, newborns and those> 60 years.
Presence of basal signs.
The hypoglycorachie is common but not constant; CSF protein> 1 g / L; Formula CSF varies with lymphocytic predominance predominance of neutrophils or variegated liquid.
The presence of mococytoïdes cells is inconsistent.
Culture is systematic (often negative direct examination).
– The mumps meningitis may be associated with hypoglycorachie
– Primary infection associated with HIV can be an acute viral meningitis.
– Meningitis can be endocarditis; meaning: septic embolism, embolic softening, hematoma, abscess
– A meningeal reaction to bacterial infection in contact with meninges (brain abscess …) translates clinically by the presence of signs of HIC locations of signs, seizures.
The PL is against-indicated (normal glucose level; unaltered PNN)
– At the beginning of a viral infection, cerebrospinal fluid may have a formula predominantly polynuclear.
– Meningitis carcinomatous => hypoglycorachie
– Drug Meningitis (predominance PNN): isoniazid, cotrimoxazole, azathioprine.
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