Tag: Bacterial

  • Bacterial Meningitis

    Bacterial Meningitis

    Bacterial meningitis is an acute infection of the meninges may be complicated by brain damage and irreversible neurological and auditory effects. Bacterial meningitis is a medical emergency. The treatment relies on early parenteral antibiotic well penetrating the cerebrospinal fluid. Antibiotic therapy is probabilistic in the absence of identification of the organism or pending results found.…

  • Bacterial and Parasitic Infections

    Bacterial and Parasitic Infections

    * Diphtheria: it is due to the lysogénée bacteria strain that produces exotoxin. C. The diphtheria that do not produce exotoxin may be responsible for angina false membranes, but also septicemia (and secondary locations: endocarditis) but do not induce the disease diphtheria. Diphtheria is a little immunizing disease which justifies vaccination for convalescent patients. *…

  • Purulent Meningitis

    Purulent Meningitis

    – Newborn: Escherichia coli (40%); Strep B; Listeria – Children <6 years: Haemophilus influenzae; meningitis; pneumococcus – Adult and E> 6 years: meningococcal; pneumococcus – Subject> 50: meningococcal; pneumococcal; Listeria; BGN. * Antibiotics that cross the brain barrier are cephalosporins; aminopenicillins; penicillin G; the phenicols and sulfonamides. * If asplenia (splenectomy, sickle cell anemia), two…

  • Bacterial Spondylodiscitis

    Bacterial Spondylodiscitis

    * The diagnosis should be considered in any acute or sub-acute pain of the spine with segmental stiffness and a fortiori associated fever or an inflammatory syndrome. * Plain x-rays may be normal at the beginning justifying the action, in emergencies, MRI. * Germ Research is essential -> disc biopsy (if bacteriological investigation after removal…