Tag: Bilirubin

  • Bilirubin


    Indications: The blood test of bilirubin can detect liver disease and hemolysis. Principle: Bilirubin is a pigment from the breakdown of hemoglobin, unconjugated or indirect. It undergoes hepatic conjugation to be secreted and then eliminated in the bile and stool. So that, in the normal state, the serum is minimal or zero. Technique: Sampling 3…

  • Jaundice


    Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the integument. It is most often visible at the top on the conjunctiva, the light area of ​​the body wall. It is related to the increased plasma bilirubin and usually appears when this exceeds 40 mol / L. We will not deal here cholestasis of pregnancy or jaundice of…