Tag: Emphysema

  • Subcutaneous Emphysema Chest

    Subcutaneous Emphysema Chest

    The subcutaneous emphysema corresponds to the appearance of gas in the subcutaneous tissue. It is either an air suffusion, spontaneous or during trauma, between an air cavity and the adjacent soft tissue (rupture of pleural bubble, tracheobronchial rupture, esophageal rupture) or a local production gas by anaerobic bacteria during infection (fasciitis and gas gangrene). More…

  • Pulmonary Emphysema

    Pulmonary Emphysema

    – Definition: characterized by the increase in the size (above normal) distal airspaces beyond the terminal bronchiole, or by expansion or by rupture of the alveolar walls. – Two types: diffuse emphysema panacinar and centrilobular emphysema. – Emphysema diffuse panacinar: destruction of alveolar walls; conjunctiva and parallel weft of the capillary network;expansion of all the…