Tag: Lymphadenopathy

  • Cervical lymphadenopathy

    Cervical lymphadenopathy

    The discovery of cervical lymphadenopathy is common in general practice.Most of the time it is a trivial diagnosis of reactive lymphadenopathy to an infectious complication. However, the patient and doctor fear the malignant causes, either primitive: lymphoma or hodgkin, or secondary: metastatic lymphadenopathy. The question is centered on the initial assessment, to be carried out before the…

  • Lymphadenopathy


    Lymphadenopathy is an enlarged lymph node. A node typically measures less than 1 cm; lymphadenopathy typically measure at least 2 cm. Lymph nodes are lymphoid formations present on the lymph paths. Their function is to destroy pathogenic (phagocytosis) and enable specific immune responses. Lymph arrives in the node via an afferent lymph, flows through a…

  • Superficial lymphadenopathy

    Superficial lymphadenopathy

    Diagnostic approach: A- Definition and positive diagnosis of superficial lymphadenopathy: It is the increase in the volume of a lymph node that becomes palpable. This node may sit in one of the following areas: – Cervical (submandibular, submental, tragus, occipital, carotid-jugular, supraclavicular, rétrospinale); – Axillary; – Inguinal and rétrocrurale; – Épitrochléenne, popliteal, intercostal. B- Differential…

  • Silicosis


    * Connected to the free silica dust accumulation crystalline form of silicon dioxide * The characteristic anatomical lesion is silicosis nodule: up in the center of collagen fibers and hyalinized on the outskirts of a fiborconiotique crown (Dust seat) * Exposed Professions Off-road work (mining, tunnel); abrasives industry; etching; exterior surfaces; ceramics manufacturing; dental technician…