Tag: sarcoidosis

  • Sarcoidosis


    * Disease BBS (Besnier-Boeck-Schaumann); diffuse granulomatous disease of unknown cause * More common in blacks (severe). ; average age between 25 and 35 years; second peak in women at age 50. * Shape isolated intrathoracic = 40%; extrathoracic forms isolated = 20%; Mixed forms = 40%. A- SARCOIDOSIS mediastino-LUNG: * It concerns 80% of sarcoidosis…

  • Peripheral neuropathy

    Peripheral neuropathy

    1- Ethyl Polyneuropathy: direct toxicity of alcohol; vitamin deficiency B1 (thiamine), B6 (pyridoxine), PP (niacin) and folate. Sensorimotor the lower limbs. Abolition of the Achilles contrasting with a vivacity of patella (at first). No Korsakoff syndrome sphincter disorders. retrobulbar optic neuropathy; increased GGT and MCV. 2- Toxic neuropathies: * Lead: mainly motor impairment; beginner multiple…

  • Splenomegaly


    Positive diagnosis: 1- Circumstances of discovery: • Sometimes the spleen is sought before the typical functional signs: splénalgie (left upper quadrant pain increased to the deep and radiating inspiration ramp to the left shoulder) or pain type postprandial heaviness, fullness gastric or digestive disorders bastards. • Sometimes the discovery of splenomegaly was guided by a suggestive…

  • Superficial lymphadenopathy

    Superficial lymphadenopathy

    Diagnostic approach: A- Definition and positive diagnosis of superficial lymphadenopathy: It is the increase in the volume of a lymph node that becomes palpable. This node may sit in one of the following areas: – Cervical (submandibular, submental, tragus, occipital, carotid-jugular, supraclavicular, rétrospinale); – Axillary; – Inguinal and rétrocrurale; – Épitrochléenne, popliteal, intercostal. B- Differential…

  • Tuberculoid Granuloma

    Tuberculoid Granuloma

    This is the result of a specific subacute inflammation which may be caused: – Sarcoidosis (Besnier-Boeck disease-Schaumann or BBS) – Crohn’s disease – The reaction to foreign bodies – Schistosomiasis – Leprosy (in its tuberculoid) – Some deep mycoses – Tularemia – Cat scratch disease The tuberculoid granuloma is an epithelioid giant follicle FOLLICLE epithelioid…