Tag: Toxoplasmosis

  • Lymphadenopathy


    Lymphadenopathy is an enlarged lymph node. A node typically measures less than 1 cm; lymphadenopathy typically measure at least 2 cm. Lymph nodes are lymphoid formations present on the lymph paths. Their function is to destroy pathogenic (phagocytosis) and enable specific immune responses. Lymph arrives in the node via an afferent lymph, flows through a…

  • Terms Disease in Ophthalmology

    Terms Disease in Ophthalmology

    * TOXOPLASMA EYE: relapsing chorioretinitis; hyalite. Manifested by myodésopsies and decreased visual acuity. In FO, whitish home that progresses to atrophic scar 1- Multiple sclerosis: A- Neuropathy: * Visual acuity (-); retrobulbar pain; Direct RPM (-) * Review the fundus is normal (retrobulbar neuropathy) * Visual Fields: central scotoma or COECO-central * Uhthoff’s phenomenon: thermolability…

  • Toxoplasmosis


    * Toxoplasmosis causes in women unimmunized risk of serious embryofetopathy throughout pregnancy. Fetal damage risk is rare, but serious at the beginning of pregnancy, frequent but less severe late in pregnancy. If the infection before conception, fetal damage risk is exceptional (immunocompromised patients). – The risk of placental passage is low (1%) before 10 SA,…