Activité des minéraux les plus étudiés en Nutrithérapie - Calcium

Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy – Calcium


Activity of the most studied minerals in Nutritherapy - CalciumIt is the most abundant mineral in the body of which it constitutes about 2% of the adult weight, or 1.2 kg. 98% in bone and teeth as calcium phosphate and hydroxyapatite. Bone tissue serves as a reservoir to keep the serum calcium concentration constant (between 0.8 and 10.9 mg / dl) and only 1% of Ca, or 10g, is intracellular.

The binding of calcium to the bone is vitamin K dependent. Vitamin K modifies the proteins of the bone structure (collagen), which, only once they are carboxylated, bind calcium.

The entry of calcium into the cell is the second intracellular messenger of many mediators.

For example, mast cells release histamine after calcium entry triggered by an allergen (bound to an IgE). Noradrenaline, secreted by the adrenals following stress, accelerates the heart rate, tenses the muscles, bronchodilates, after entry of calcium into the cells. It is magnesium which is the physiological calcium channel blocker . Thus, magnesium reduces allergic reactions through an antihistamine effect or reduces reactions to stress.

Vitamin D is the limiting factor in the absorption of Ca

Ca and Mg make soaps with saturated fat and become unabsorbable! (so most cheeses are not a good source of calcium, and in addition they reduce the bioavailability of magnesium – an effect amplified by the anti-calcium and magnesium effects also of phosphorus, of which dairy products are very rich)

RDA: 1000 mg


1- Maintenance of bone capital and teeth. Calcium deficiency during adolescence and pregnancy affects bone capital. Parathyroid hormone (PTH) rises with a drop in serum calcium, causing the bone to unravel to release the missing calcium Unfortunately, and this is much more common, the drop in circulating magnesium has the same effect.

  • in this case we deconstruct bone to release Mg but at the same time we release calcium,
  • this calcium is then deposited in the soft tissues (periarthritis, calcification of the arteries, pineal gland, kidney stones,..), especially since there is a lack of magnesium, the calcium channel blocker.
  • Studies show that stress accelerates osteoporosis and that calcification of the arch of the aorta is inversely proportional to Mg status.

End of the growth of bone capital at 16/17 years for girls and 18/19 years for boys: it is therefore necessary to promote optimal bone capital with Ca / Vit D + sport from childhood and adolescence to prevent osteoporosis.

2- Play the role of “second messenger” after triggering by a signal at the level of the cell membrane:

  • all actions triggered by norepinephrine are then mediated by calcium

– causes muscle contractions, bronchodilation and increased heart rate

– responsible for vasoconstriction of the heart during stress as 2 nd messenger of noradrenalin, hence the use of calcium channel blockers as antihypertensive drugs (in nutritherapy magnesium)

  • secretion of histamine by mast cells
  • activation of glutamaergic or aspartaergic neurons (with NMDA receptors), involved in learning, pain, epilepsy and neuronal death
  • the secretion of insulin by the pancreas … (hence the fact that taking calcium can increase appetite and promote weight gain or that it is used in anorexia nervosa)

Regulation of insulin secretion by glucose

3- The entry of calcium into the cell drives out magnesium , the level of which increases in the blood, if a lot of calcium enters a cell, this can block the production of ATP including all stages including magnesium-dependent

  • hence the fact that intense stress can cut the legs, paralyze
  • hence the fact that chronic stress leads to urinary loss of magnesium (once its level increases in the blood, the kidney excretes what it sees as excess)
  • hence the fact that stress amplifies itself, magnesium being responsible for modulating the amount of calcium that enters the cell on which the stress messenger, norepinephrine is attached (“vicious circle of stress”)

4- Rigidification of the arteries linked to the degradation of elastin by elastase stimulated by the entry of calcium into the arterial wall.

5- Ca, Mg, K and Na are involved in ionic transport and their balance and transport capacity are important in neuronal functioning (whether neurons are activated or not)

6- Insufficient calcium intake promotes osteoporosis, hypertension and colon cancer.

Risks of calcium deficiency in pregnant women

The calcium delay of the newborn is recoverable after birth (unlike the zinc delay).

7- On the other hand, an excess of calcium intake is a cardiovascular risk factor, calcium deposits in soft tissues (scapulohumeral peri-arthritis, arteries, brain, kidney stones, etc.) and taking supplements containing calcium has been associated in studies with increased mortality. Magnesium deficiency increases the risk of cellular calcium overload (which in the extreme leads to cell suicide as in infarction) and tissue calcification.


Adequate calcium intake is achievable through food, even without dairy products.

Mineralized water, almonds, cartilage, snout, pig’s trotters, whole sardines (Ca, Si, Omega, watercress, crucifers (broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts), fatty fish, in particular whole sardines, seaweed (wakame and kombu) ), vegetable milks (soya, rice) enriched with Ca. almond milk …

It is vitamin D that counts for its absorption.

What about calcium in dairy products?

• Certain dairy products such as cheese block the absorption of calcium due to the formation of insoluble soaps between calcium and saturated fatty acids.

  • Sweden holds the world record for the consumption of milk and dairy products. She also holds the world record for femoral neck fractures in women over 50, one of the paradoxes reported by Thierry Souccar, director of fr since 2004 in Santé, mensonges et propaganda, and developed in Lait, mensonges et Propagande.
  • Asians do not consume dairy products, except in a few very limited regions and there is less osteoporosis!
  • In the world-wide reference journal in nutrition, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Hegsted contested, as early as 2001, the scientific evidence of the reduction of fractures by high intakes of calcium and recalls that osteoporosis is a pathology in Western countries and that countries with the lowest frequencies of osteoporosis have low intakes of both dairy and calcium products Hegsted DM, Fractures, calcium, and the modem diet, Am J Clin Nutr, 2001, 74 (5): 571-3
  • Numerous studies have come out with positive numbers on the effects of consuming dairy products on osteoporosis, cardiovascular risks, diabetes and even mortality. But given the discovery that many of these studies were mostly funded by milk lobbies, they are increasingly being questioned.
  • Recent studies find the opposite results. In two Swedish cohorts, one comprising 61,433 women aged 39 to 74 followed for more than 20 years and another 45,339 men aged 45 to 79 followed for more than 11 years, the consumption of 3 or more glasses of milk per day compared to just one:

– is associated in women with an increased risk of any fracture of 16% and fracture of the neck of the femur by 60%

– is not associated with the risk of fractures in men

– is associated with a 93% increase in all-cause mortality in women and cardiovascular mortality in men.

However, this study only found in women an association between the consumption of one serving of fermented dairy products and a reduction in the risk of fractures and mortality of 10 to 15% per serving.

The authors also observe in two subgroups tested in each cohort that the consumption of dairy products is accompanied by an increase in inflammatory markers: IL6 in the blood and isoprostanes in the urine.

Karl Michaëlsson et al, Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men cohort studies; BMJ, 2014; 349: g6015

  • The major factor in preventing osteoporosis is physical activity which increases circulation in the bone tissue. Vitamins D, K and B6 essential for the fixation of calcium on the bone, magnesium so that it remains there and does not go elsewhere to be deposited, zinc to have a good bone structure …
  • It is perfectly possible to consume calcium without dairy products (see sources above) and achieve optimal amounts on condition of having satisfactory intakes in the “accomplice” nutrients and having a sufficient level of physical activity.
  • This is all the more important since dairy products, moreover:

– contain too much phosphorus which has a negative effect on calcium, magnesium, cardiovascular mortality

– are the main source of food intolerance

– promote autoimmune reactions like type 1 diabetes

– contain lactose, either poorly digested or a factor in cataracts and degeneration of the nerves

– contain too many steroids (androgens that cause acne, estrogen, hormone-dependent cancer factors

– are very rich in oncogenic growth factors

– are found to be pro-inflammatory

– are one of the richest sources of dioxins and endocrine disruptors

– casomorphin derived from casein increases: mucus, respiratory depression, reflux, sudden infant death and is implicated in autism

We can say that the risk / benefit ratio of dairy products is bad.

Drugs that inhibit calcium absorption: Corticosteroids, Diuretics, Methotrexate, Neomycin, Tetracyclines

Factors increasing urinary excretion: Caffeine

Factors interfering with the metabolism: Aluminum

Factors reducing bioavailability: Phytates, oxalates, foods rich in phosphorus (milk, soda.) Which create insoluble salts with Ca and Mg, saturated fats which form soaps with Ca and Mg (fatty cheeses).

Ex: Mexicans drink 3 liters of cola / day and have an increased risk of fractures.


  • excess protein and acidifying foods
  • salt
  • of coffee
  • physical inactivity
  • magnesium deficiency (via the increase in parathyroid hormone)

increase urinary calcium loss, the risk of bone demineralization, kidney stones and soft tissue calcification. Physical activity, plants, bicarbonate water, magnesium, antioxidants and polyphenols. .. do the opposite.


– Anorexia nervosa (do not say it for the appetite but for the bone)

– thinness

because it is a major insulin stimulant which brings glucose, fatty acids and amino acids into cells. Calcium is therefore a global anabolic and has a sedative effect complementary to magnesium and taurine.


Do not give Ca without Mg otherwise calcifications in all soft tissues and increased cardiovascular risks:

– kidney stones

– articular calcifications (scapulo-humeral peri-arthritis) or muscle (calcifying myositis)

– cerebral calcifications (pineal gland ..)

In case of Ca oxalate kidney stones, the most frequent, drink mineralized water with a meal because it blocks the absorption of oxalates from the meal which come down with the stool. In addition, Mg supplementation (without reducing Ca), reduces the risk of stones by 97%.

Author Jean-Paul Curtay


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