Category: Additional Tests

  • Blood Lead

    Blood Lead

    Indications: The main interest of the examination is to detect lead poisoning, whether occupational or environmental origin (or former habitat near an industrial site. Principle: Lead absorbed with drinks, tap water or occupational poisoning (printers, typographers old) or accidental (pieces of old paint flaking, ancient wall papers accidentally ingested) slowly into the blood and is…

  • Natremia


    Indications: The review for the determination of main extracellular cation (sodium, Na), himself a good indicator of body hydration. For example, in cases of diarrhea and chronic vomiting, especially in a fragile patient as a person, the dosage of serum sodium becomes important. Principle: The stability of serum sodium is essential for a good cellular…

  • Markers infartus infarction – myoglobin, troponin and isoenzyme of creatine kinase

    Markers infartus infarction – myoglobin, troponin and isoenzyme of creatine kinase

    Indications. principle: Myocarditis necrosis first revealed by signs of suffering heart muscle and especially the myocyte that includes several types of protein: – Cytoplasmic: these are enzymes such as transaminases, creatine kinase or lacticodéshydogénase; – To metabolic function: myoglobin, involved in muscle contractility, such as troponin and myosin. When the necrosis results in cell lysis…

  • Serum Potassium

    Serum Potassium

    Indications: The monitoring of serum potassium can appreciate the blood level of a fundamental ke cation for muscle function like intestinal transit: potassium (K). But it also allows monitoring of treatments could cause hypokalemia (in the case of diuretics, laxatives) or hyperkalemia (ACE inhibitor, anti-aldostérones, angiotensin II antagonists). It is also an essential part of…

  • Blood Electrolytes

    Blood Electrolytes

    Indications: Before different clinical presentations that may be suspected of fluid and electrolyte disorders, the test measures the major blood anions and cations: – Cations are: sodium (Na), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg); – Anions are: chlorine (Cl), bicarbonate (HCO3) and proteins. It is the clinical examination which must guide the application. The…

  • Glycosylated Hemoglobin or Glycated

    Glycosylated Hemoglobin or Glycated

    Indications: The assay is useful in monitoring the effectiveness of diabetes care. Principle: hemoglobin HbA1c is a subfraction of HbA1c, which reacts with glucose. The value found in the blood, in proportion to the average plasma glucose concentration, therefore, is a good reflection of the latter. Technique: Sample of 5 mL of venous blood in…

  • Blood Culture

    Blood Culture

    Indications: Before high fever with chills, it comes to detect the abnormal presence in the blood of a bacterium which can thus be identified. Then we could possibly test its resistance to contact antibiotics. Principle: The collection of blood is cultured in suitable habitat to development of germs suspected. Technique: The collection of venous blood…

  • hCG and β-hCG

    hCG and β-hCG

    Indications: β-hCG of the assay allows early diagnosis of pregnancy, but mostly ectopic pregnancies. It also can diagnose secreting tumors, and early detection of trisomy 21 (in this case, the rates are unusually high compared with gestational age). Principle: The hormone choriogonadotrope is a glycoprotein secreted by the syncytiotrophobalste, which maintains during the first trimester…

  • Thick Blood. Thin Smear

    Thick Blood. Thin Smear

    Indications: The examination can detect the presence in the blood of malaria parasite: Plasmodium. Principle: The realization of a thick film can concentrate the maximum noise in the minimum surface and therefore easier to detect. Technique: Levy vaccinostyle a large drop of blood from the fingertip. Placed on a slide, gout is fragmented by stirring…

  • Blood Sugar

    Blood Sugar

    Indications: Blood sugar assay to diagnose possible anomalies of glucose metabolism, such as pancreatic insufficiency with insulin production deficit: what is diabetes. But it is also essential in monitoring the treatment of diabetes, whether Type I or Type II. Principle: The assay of plasma glucose reflects blood sugar in the body, not related to the…