Psychiatric Glossary of Terms

* Aboulie: Loss of control (feeling of indecision and impotence)

* Abreaction (Or catharsis) sudden release, discharge emotionally repressed emotional content

* Anhedonia: Lack of pleasure

* Listlessness: Lack of effective activity

* Astasia-abasia: Can not keep standing or walking (it is a form of hysterical conversion)

* Beautiful indifference conversion with complete lack of concern about the inability

* Athymhormia: Lack of vital energy that characterizes the (indifferent to the joys and pains); symptom observed in early dementia

* Catalepsy: Immobility with waxy flexibility and imposed conservation attitudes (schizophrenia melancholy stupor)

* Cataplexy: temporary paralysis within the scope of narcolepsy

* Catatonia: psychomotor Attitude consisting essentially of inertia and negativity

* Confabulation: False memories and false recognition that tend to fill the gaps in memory (Korsakoff syndrome)

* Conversion: Conversion of a psychic conflict in somatic symptoms lasting sensory or motor (physical expression of a repressed desire)

* Delusions: False Belief causing unwavering belief in its reality, despite the disagreement of the entourage and the absence of confirmation

* Depersonalization: Feeling of losing its identity and uniqueness. Is in anxiety, in acute anxiety disorders and schizophrenia …

* Diffluence: Thought theme without giving incoherent speech, marshy

* Echolalia: morbid impulse of repeating the words of the entourage (see: palilalia; stereotypically)

* Elation: Feelings of euphoria + complacency (drug)

* Fading: Gradual Extinction speech

* Hypoprosexie: Dispersion of attention

* Pulse: Disorder of the will; while aware of his act, the patient is driven irresistibly to certain actions

* Mannerism: complicated character, assigned, precious, theatrical language, gestures and behavior (psychopath; neurotic)

* Dejection: Bringing

* Palilalia: speech disorder consisting of spontaneous repetition, involuntary, the same sentence or the same word (weakening of intelligence)

* Parakinésies: parasites Movement disorders (schizophrenia)

* Prosopagnosia: Inability to recognize faces

* Raptus: Pulse paroxysmal explosive immediate and overwhelming; it often takes a violent form: suicide, aggression, self-injury, leakage

* Schizophasia: incomprehensible speech

* Stéréotypie: Exaggeration of automation with continual repetition of the same gestures (echopraxia) the same words (echolalia)

* Fear: Attitude characterized by immobility, mutism, a masked facies, lack of response to requests ext. (Melancholy, catatonia, confusion)

* Suggestibility: Ability to be influenced by an idea accepted by the brain and carry

* Syntonie: harmonious fusion of the behavior of a subject with its surroundings

Proper nouns:

* Cotard (syndrome) delusion of negation organ, immortality and incurable. Observed in melancholy, in senile dementia.

* Ganser (syndrome) response side of a subject with a proper vocabulary and a normal understanding; amnesia (found in hysteria)

* Gélineau (syndrome) + narcolepsy cataplexy (sudden hypersomnia with paroxysmal muscle relaxation)

* Gilles de la Tourette syndrome () coprolalia (involuntary jerk tendency to say vulgar and obscene words)

* Klein Levin (syndrome) recurrent hypersomnia; in adolescents. A multiple access per year (hypersomnia 18h with dysphoria). It disappears in adulthood.


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