Tag: Renal

  • Renal toxicity

    Renal toxicity

    Introduction: The extraordinary growth of interventional radiology techniques has led us to regularly expose patients with the nephrotoxic potential of iodinated contrast media (ICP).Acute renal failure (AKI) secondary to PCI is part of the leading trio of ARI acquired in hospital. It is a necessity to know the best ways to prevent the toxicity of these…

  • Anemia of chronic renal failure

    Anemia of chronic renal failure

    Introduction: The IRC publications on anemia are extremely numerous and American, European and more recently French recommendations, under the aegis of the French Agency for the Safety of Health Products (AFSSAPS), have been produced on this subject. Definition of anemia of chronic renal failure: The classic definition of anemia in the general population is that…

  • Complications of chronic renal failure

    Complications of chronic renal failure

    Spinal hypoplasia: Anemia is constant during chronic renal failure (CRF), with the exception of polycystic disease. It worsens along with the decrease in glomerular filtration. The main cause is bone marrow hypoplasia, a consequence of renal hyposecretion of erythropoietin (EPO); the other mechanisms are accessory: various deficiencies, chronic hemolysis, plasma inhibitors of erythropoiesis, medullary fibrosis in large…

  • Cardiovascular consequences of chronic renal failure

    Cardiovascular consequences of chronic renal failure

    INTRODUCTION: Cardiovascular disease is responsible for more than 50% of deaths in patients with renal failure treated with chronic hemodialysis. Heart complications alone account for 40% of mortality. Ventricular hypertrophy and heart failure as well as arterial atheroma are the main causes, while the incidence of pericarditis, a classic complication of terminal uremia, has decreased. UREMIC PERICARDITIS:…

  • Acute renal failure in renal transplantation

    Acute renal failure in renal transplantation

    Introduction : Acute renal failure (ARI) in the renal transplant patient is an acute decrease in glomerular filtration rate (GFR). The IRA in the transplant recipient may be identical in its causes to that of the clean kidneys in a non transplanted subject, with in addition to specific causes related to the dysfunctional kidney transplant state. These…

  • Acute renal failure and pregnancy

    Acute renal failure and pregnancy

    Epidemiology: The frequency of acute renal failure (ARI) in pregnancy is very different in developed and developing countries. Prevalence and prognosis data can not be interpreted without taking into account the geographic context in which they were obtained. The IRA has become, in France, an exceptional complication of pregnancy. Its incidence has declined significantly in developed countries…

  • Alternative techniques for end-stage renal failure

    Alternative techniques for end-stage renal failure

    INTRODUCTION: In France, the annual incidence of end-stage renal failure is 6 children / 1 million children under 15, ie 1.2 pediatric patients / 1 million inhabitants. Children under 5 represent 26% of patients. CAUSES OF TERMINAL RENAL FAILURE IN CHILDREN: They are in order of frequency renal hypoplasia-dysplasia associated or not with malformation uropathy (36%),…

  • Acute renal insufficiency

    Acute renal insufficiency

    Generalities: Acute renal failure (ARF) represents 20% of the ARI etiologies. Its incidence is increasing because of the emergence of new potentially nephrotoxic molecules and the multiplication of drug prescriptions. This incidence is, however, certainly underestimated in view of the apparently silent nature of the symptomatology. Medication ARIs are classically considered to be better prognoses than ARIs of…

  • Renal osteodystrophy

    Renal osteodystrophy

    Introduction: The term “renal osteodystrophy” refers to all bone and visceral complications related to disturbances of phosphocalcic metabolism.These can be the direct consequence of renal insufficiency, or indirect, renal insufficiency favoring the retention of toxic of origin often iatrogenic, result of certain therapeutics. Renal osteodystrophy is excluded from bone diseases secondary to tubulopathies (such as Fanconi…

  • Transplantation in diabetic patients with renal insufficiency

    Transplantation in diabetic patients with renal insufficiency

    Introduction : The leading cause of kidney failure in the United States, and also rising in France, diabetes is spreading in an almost “epidemic” mode. Its global prevalence of 4% in 1995 is expected to reach 5.4% in 2025 and the number of diabetic patients to increase from 135 to 300 million. In the United States, an…