Transaminases AST and ALT



This is basically to highlight, thanks to the determination of transaminases SGOT and SGPT, cytolysis, whether liver, smooth muscle origin (eg the heart) or ridged.


Hepatic cytolysis release in plasma enzymes that are normally absent.

Transaminases AST and ALTTechnique:

Levy of 1 to 2 mL of blood in a dry tube or lithium heparin in a fasting patient.

It should also avoid hemolysis because the intraglobulaire rate is 10 times that of the plasma. In this case, there is a risk of false positive.


Varying according to laboratory standards, the usual values are normally less than 30 IU / L.

Physiologically, they go up to 75 IU / L in infants.

Increases of up to 10 to 100 times normal are common in cases of viral hepatitis as in case of bile duct obstruction.

ASAT ALAT increase more than in muscle necrosis; it is the opposite for liver diseases.

A more moderate increase is found in alcoholic cirrhosis and primary biliary, liver cancer, and drug-induced hepatitis.

Increased AST is more moderate than those of ALT, except alcoholic hepatitis or heart liver, where an AST / ALT ratio greater than 1 is a good diagnostic element.

Increasing the ratio mitochondrial / total ASAT ASAT is a good sign for a chronic alcoholism. In myocardial infarction, increased AST is early: from the 6th to the 8th hour, peaking in the 24th   time and a return to normal in 4 days; the determination of cardiac markers, CPK, troponin is more exciting diagnostically.

Transaminases also increase in cases of acute pancreatitis.


B20 for an assay. B25 for both.

Practical advice:

Some conditions may increase transaminases:

– Fever chills;

– Violating year;

– Intramuscular injections;

– Based treatments Calciparine or opiates;

– Treatments including hepatotoxic drugs such as NSAIDs, the Depakine, the PEXID …

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