Biopsie temporale

Temporal Biopsy


The biopsy is performed in case of suspicion of temporal arteritis, either in a temporal arteritis or polymyalgia rheumatica.


anticoagulant therapy.


The histological analysis of samples of arterial wall can diagnose temporal arteritis or polymyalgia rheumatica.

temporal biopsy

The gesture is performed under local anesthesia without requiring hospitalization.

Local anesthesia is obtained using ointment or a patch.

The temporal artery sampling must be sufficient at best bilateral, for diagnosis.


A normal biopsy does not eliminate the diagnosis; if doubt persists, then we can help an external carotid angiography to guide sampling.

A positive biopsy can diagnose temporal arteritis or polymyalgia rheumatica, and assess its evolutionary stage: initial (Stage I); granulomatous (stage II); Scar (stage III).


K10 + BP100.

Practical advice:

In stage I of arteritis, a risk of false negative exists, and at stage III risk of a false positive because the differential histological diagnosis with a blood senile degeneration is difficult.


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