* Diphtheria: it is due to the lysogénée bacteria strain that produces exotoxin.
C. The diphtheria that do not produce exotoxin may be responsible for angina false membranes, but also septicemia (and secondary locations: endocarditis) but do not induce the disease diphtheria.
Diphtheria is a little immunizing disease which justifies vaccination for convalescent patients.
* Malaria: the man has no natural immunity vis-à-vis malaria.
Under repeated reinfection, it may develop a pre-immunization immunity (labile if the subject does not live in malarious area).
It decreases the frequency and severity of access.
It begins around the age of 4 years (infants> 6 months and children <4 years are very vulnerable).
The blood smear is a species diagnosis (qualitative); thick films (slow = 24) is a quantitative diagnosis, more sensitive but less effective for species diagnosis => The 2 exams are inseparable.
Serodiagnosis is only reliable for P. falciparum; retrospective interest and is a screening test for blood donors.
NFS: moderate leuco neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia almost constant.
The body rose and old schizonts are not found in P. falciparum (the blood smear) as they are located only in visceral capillaries.
* Septicemia BGN 2 signs suggestive (diarrhea and hyperventilation).
Ecthyma gangrenous Ehlers is due to Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
* Staphylococcus aureus septicemia: the vesicular-pustular purpura is pathognomonic.
For infringement meningeal using fosfomycin (penicillin M, do not pass the brain barrier).
* Meningococcal: serotype A is responsible for epidemics (Africa).
Serotypes B and C give sporadic cases (C may be responsible for epidemics).
Serogroups A and C are more immunogenic.
Serogroup B vaccine has not and will not be detected by latex technique (Ag soluble).
* Scarlet fever: In scarlet fever there is a neutrophilia with a discreet eosinophilia
Treatment must be taken for 6 weeks.
The combination is indicated for sepsis in BGN, Staph, and then I do not know.
Thrombophlébitique the sepsis is characterized by fever sawtooth.
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