Électrophorèse des protéines sériques

Serum Protein Electrophoresis


Simple and inexpensive way, this review allows to know the blood composition protide, mainly albumin and globulins.


Albumin is preferentially secreted by the liver, and globulins, by lymphocytes: the dose is therefore a good way to assess the operation of these two sources of production.

Placed in a basic medium and in an electric field, proteins migrate according to their electric charge can thus be separated.

Serum protein electrophoresis

Sampling 5 mL of venous blood in a dry tube.

dose is at the same time the hematocrit.


Cellulose acetate strip placed in the electric field, the proteinic stains are highlighted by a dye.

Normal values:

– Adults: total protein: 60 to 80 g / L:

  – Albumin 35 to 50 g / L (conversion: gx = 1.45 micromol), 60%.

  – Α-1 globulin: 1.5 to 3.5 g / L or 4%,

  – Α-2 globulin: 3-9 g / L, or 8%

  – Β-globulin: 6-12 g / L, or 12%

  – Γ-globulin 7.5 g to 16 g / L, 16%,

– In children: total protein: 45 to 70 g / L at birth; they join the 3 years to adult rates.

Pathological changes:

– Hypoalbuminemia is a sign of:

  – Undernutrition,

  – Hepatic cirrhosis,

  – nephrotic syndrome,

  – Intestinal malabsorption, chronic diarrhea,

  – Right heart failure,

  – Inflammation (increased α-1 and β-2 above);

– Hypergammaglobulinemia is a sign of:

  – Infection or parasitic disease in the long term,

  – Autoimmune disease, LED,

  – Chronic liver disease: hepatitis (increased β and γ)

  – Monoclonal lymphocytic reached with narrowband (myeloma): interest in cases of immuno to recover the increased GI;

– Hypergammaglobulinemia, rare but serious, can be:

  – Congenital,

  – Due to liver damage or acute lymphocytic reached.



Practical advice:

Engaging in parallel dosing hematocrit retrieves hemoconcentration or hemodilution that can skew results; the hematocrit then resets a possible misinterpretation.


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