Tag: inflammatory

  • Acnes


    Warning: • The adolescent acne is called polymorphic because it combines several elementary lesions: comedones (blackheads or) microcysts (or closed comedones), papules (aseptic inflammation microcysts), follicular pustules. • It affects 80% of adolescents but only 10% of them require medical treatment. • The lesions are secondary to a functional disorder of the follicle pilosebaceous (seborrhea,…

  • Inflammatory syndrome

    Inflammatory syndrome

    The inflammatory response is responsible for a syndrome of both clinical and biological. Its mechanisms are complex, resulting from cellular and humoral phenomena. Most authors define the inflammatory response, which can be local or general, as a phenomenon of non-specific defense response to aggression, which aims to maintain the integrity of the self. We must…

  • Lower abdominal pain in women

    Lower abdominal pain in women

    Lower abdominal pain in women should be suspected pelvic inflammatory disease (see pelvic inflammatory disease). A pelvic examination should be routinely performed: – Inspection of the vulva and speculum examination looking for purulent discharge or inflammation of the cervix or vagina, and – Abdominal palpation and touch pelvic looking for a pain in cervical motion.…