Tag: Loase
Filariasis are tissue helminth infections caused by nematodes, wired. Human transmission takes place via an insect vector, during a sting. The major pathogenic species are shown in the table below. In co-endemic areas, mixed infections are common. Each wire has two main stages of development: macrofilaria (to adults) and microfilariae (embryos). The choice of treatment…
Ocular Diseases (Onchocerciasis, Loase, pterygium, cataracts)
Onchocerciasis (river blindness) Eye injuries, due to the presence of microfilariae in the eye, usually occur in adulthood and progress to blindness in the absence of early treatment. Clinical features and treatment: Ocular lesions are always associated with extra-ocular lesions of onchocerciasis. – Ocular pruritus, night blindness (loss of night vision), decreased visual acuity, visual…
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