Tag: fibrosis
Bronchitis chronic obstructive
– Clinical Definition: hypersecretion of mucus sufficient to cause cough and mucous expectoration and / or daily Mucopurulent at least 3 consecutive months a year, and that for at least two years following. – There are 2 groups of chronic bronchitis: * Simple chronic bronchitis marked by a expecto ration -> no obstructive spirometry syndrome;…
* Asbestos fibers are inorganic particles of silicate type; two types: serpentine (chrysotile) ; amphibole (crocidolite) * Exposed Professions: manufacture of insulation materials; joints; brake pad; shipbuilding; insulation (piping); Fire-prevention wall. 1- ASBESTOSIS OR DISTRIBUTION IN INTERSTITIAL FIBROSIS: * Linear or reticular opacities predominate in the lower lobes * CT is the gold standard; curvilinear…
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