Accueil 2016

Archives annuelles: 2016


Blood Lead

Indications: The main interest of the examination is to detect lead poisoning, whether occupational or environmental origin (or former habitat near an industrial site. Principle: Lead absorbed...


Indications: The review for the determination of main extracellular cation (sodium, Na), himself a good indicator of body hydration. For example, in cases of diarrhea and...
Marqueurs de l'infartus du myocarde - myoglobine, troponines et isoenzyme de la créatine-kinase

Markers infartus infarction – myoglobin, troponin and isoenzyme of creatine kinase

Indications. principle: Myocarditis necrosis first revealed by signs of suffering heart muscle and especially the myocyte that includes several types of protein: - Cytoplasmic: these are...

Serum Potassium

Indications: The monitoring of serum potassium can appreciate the blood level of a fundamental ke cation for muscle function like intestinal transit: potassium (K). But it...
Ionogramme Sanguin

Blood Electrolytes

Indications: Before different clinical presentations that may be suspected of fluid and electrolyte disorders, the test measures the major blood anions and cations: - Cations are:...
Hémoglobine glycosylée ou glyquée

Glycosylated Hemoglobin or Glycated

Indications: The assay is useful in monitoring the effectiveness of diabetes care. Principle: hemoglobin HbA1c is a subfraction of HbA1c, which reacts with glucose. The value found in...

Blood Culture

Indications: Before high fever with chills, it comes to detect the abnormal presence in the blood of a bacterium which can thus be identified. Then...
hCG et β-hCG

hCG and β-hCG

Indications: β-hCG of the assay allows early diagnosis of pregnancy, but mostly ectopic pregnancies. It also can diagnose secreting tumors, and early detection of trisomy 21...
Goutte épaisse. Frottis mince

Thick Blood. Thin Smear

Indications: The examination can detect the presence in the blood of malaria parasite: Plasmodium. Principle: The realization of a thick film can concentrate the maximum noise in...

Blood Sugar

Indications: Blood sugar assay to diagnose possible anomalies of glucose metabolism, such as pancreatic insufficiency with insulin production deficit: what is diabetes. But it is also...


Angine de poitrine

Angina pectoris

Syndrome Sec

Dry Syndrome

Cristaux de sel

Organic Microscopy

Thyroxine totale (T4)

Total thyroxine (T4)