Accueil 2016

Archives annuelles: 2016

Vitesse de sédimentation des hématies

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate

Indications: This examination can detect, from a biological abnormality noted, inflammatory or infectious syndrome. Principle: The sedimentation rate of red blood cells is affected by many factors,...
Transaminases ASAT et ALAT

Transaminases AST and ALT

Indications: This is basically to highlight, thanks to the determination of transaminases SGOT and SGPT, cytolysis, whether liver, smooth muscle origin (eg the heart) or...
Thyrocalcitonine sérique ou calcitonine

Serum Calcitonin or Thyrocalcitonin

Indications: Hormonal assay is useful in the diagnosis of medullary thyroid cancer. Principle: Thyrocalcitonin is a 32 amino acid peptide synthesized by the thyroid parafollicular C cells. The...
Taux de prothrombine (temps de Quick) et INR (international normalized ratio)

Prothrombin Time and INR (International Normalized Ratio)

Indications: Used to be a bleeding disorder, whether congenital or acquired, examination serves primarily to monitor patients on oral anticoagulant treatment based on anticoagulants. These drugs...


Indications: This is to assess thyroid function, eg detect hyperthyroidism. Principle: T3 is from 80% by deiodination of T4. Some free T3 is present in the normal state...
Thyroxine totale (T4)

Total thyroxine (T4)

Indications: The review is needed in the suspected diagnosis of hyper- or hypothyroidism. Principle: T4 is the main hormone secreted by the thyroid, the free form is...
Test de la sueur

Sweat Test

Indications: This is to detect in children with cystic fibrosis or cystic fibrosis. Principle: To do this, we must highlight a sweat secretion abnormally rich in sodium...


Indications: This is the first review to humans during the etiological research of infertility. Principle: The review is to examine a semen sample under a microscope after...
PSA (antigène prostatique spécifique)

PSA (prostate specific antigen)

Indications: The dosage of the circulating antigen secreted by prostate glandular cells can detect a cancer, to assess the stage to follow the change. Found in...
Protéinurie de Bence-Jones

Proteinuria Bence Jones

Indications: The review is an essential element of research myelomas. Principle: Protein Bence-Jones is a dimer of light chains (kappa or lambda) of immunoglobulins. It is present...








Arthroscopie du genou

Knee Arthroscopy