Tag: Diagnosis

  • Clinical and biological diagnosis of acute renal failure

    Clinical and biological diagnosis of acute renal failure

    Introduction: Acute renal failure (ARI) is defined in general terms as a sudden decrease in renal function, sufficient to lead to nitrogen waste retention and disrupt hydroelectrolytic homeostasis. While this qualitative definition is generally accepted, there is no consensus on the quantitative importance of the decrease in renal function necessary for the diagnosis of ARI. Commonly used…

  • Diagnosis and classification of diabetes

    Diagnosis and classification of diabetes

    Diagnostic criteria for diabetes: WG-WHO *, 1998 (2011) The subject has symptoms of diabetes (polyuria, polydipsia, unexplained weight loss) and random blood glucose ≥ 11.1 mmol / l (2.00 g / l); – Fasting blood glucose (no caloric intake for at least 8 h) is ≥ 7.0 mmol / l (1.26 g / l);  –…

  • Detection of pancreatic cancer, revolutionary method!

    Detection of pancreatic cancer, revolutionary method!

    Jack Andraka a young American 15 years has developed a revolutionary screening test for pancreatic cancer, adaptable for lung cancer and ovarian cancer. It all started when one of his relatives died of pancreatic cancer. Jack asks what could be done to prevent this disease from progressing by acting before the cancer cells multiply. He…