Accueil 2017

Archives annuelles: 2017

Épididymites, orchi-épididymites aiguës

Epididymitis, acute orchi-epididymitis

Epididymitis is an infection of part or all of the epididymis, usually ascending, ductal, from urethritis or urological disease. If this infection wins, by proximity,...
Épanchement pleural

Pleural effusion

This frequent symptom is observed in many clinical pictures. The diagnosis of pleurisy is clinical and a simple radiograph of face and profile is usually...
Envenimation par piqûres d’hyménoptères

Envenomation by bites of Hymenoptera

Four types of hymenoptera are concerned: - bees: live in colony. Their sting is in the shape of a harpoon and stays in the skin, equipped...
Dyspnée aiguë de l’adulte

Acute dyspnea of ​​the adult

Dyspnea is defined as an abnormal and unpleasant awareness of breathing. It is a symptom that can reveal multiple causes, some of which are life-threatening. Urgent...

Chest pains

It is an often revealing manifestation of cardiovascular disease, but it can also translate pulmonary, digestive, musculoskeletal affections. CLINIC: The interrogation: - Clarifies the patient's cardiovascular and...
Douleurs non cancéreuses

Non-cancerous pain

  "Pain is a perceptive, unpleasant, multidimensional, sensory, emotional phenomenon that signals the possibility of physical harm. (Executioner) After 3 to 6 months of progression, a pain...
Douleurs cancéreuses

Cancer pains

Cancer is a progressive disease characterized by multiple attacks and leading in one out of two cases to a painful death. Pain that can be...
Douleurs abdominales chroniques

Chronic abdominal pain

It is abdominal pain that persists, repeats itself and become chronic outside of an emergency context. Irritable bowel or functional colopathy are the most common...
Douleurs abdominales aiguës de l’enfant

Acute abdominal pain of the child

Acute abdominal pathology in children is a common cause of admission to emergencies. Interrogation (of the child and his entourage) and a complete clinical examination...
Douleurs abdominales aiguës de l’adulte

Acute abdominal pain of the adult

Acute abdominal pain in adults is common. Their support still remains difficult today and source of error due to: - the multiplicity of etiologies: more than...






Herpes génital

Genital Herpes