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Tag: Chlamydia

Urethral Discharge

The urethral discharge is found almost exclusively in humans. The main causative organisms are Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonorrhea) and Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia). The presence of a...
Pneumonie franche lobaire aiguë


A- Legionella pneumonia: * Around 5% of community bacterial pneumonia * Outbreaks exist; the germ grows in contact with water, tanks (air conditioners, earthworks) * It is...


HISTORY: In 1906, Von Prowazek Haelberstaeder and discover inclusions in conjoncdvaux smear trachoma. Moulder in 1964 shows that these microorganisms are intracellular bacteria development. They were...

Bacteria Vaginosis

I - GENERAL ON VAGINOSIS: The vaginosis or nonspecific vaginitis are frequent infections, characterized by vaginal discharge and due to other agents as Candida, Trichomonas,...

Urogenital Infections in Humans

Male urethritis: The definition is cytological: ≥ 10 PNN on the review of the first urine stream at a magnification of 400 and at least...


Aspect de langue dépapillée au cours de la scarlatine

Scarlet Fever

Déficit musculaire

Muscle deficit



Arc cornéen

Corneal Arcus