Accueil 2015 April

Archives mensuelles: April 2015


Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are cutaneous linear depressions oriented along the lines of tension to the skin. They correspond to areas of tension in the fat...
Hallucinations visuelles

Visual Hallucinations

Hallucinate is to perceive in the absence of any external stimulus. Hallucinations, usually visual or auditory, leading the patient to see or hear something...


Exophthalmos is always indicative of orbital pathology. Orbital pyramid constructed with rigid bony walls opens forward and any increase in the content pushes the...


SYMPTOMATOLOGY: Medical term for bad breath, this little bad, very common, seems trivial, but covers important psychosocial consequences. It is difficult to quantify precisely the complaint,...
Anesthésie de la houppe du menton

Anesthesia of the chin tuft

Anesthesia of the chin tuft The reason for consultation seemingly mundane and more common in men ("Doctor, I do not feel anything when I shave")...
Hématuries macroscopique et microscopique

Macroscopic and microscopic hematuria

HEMATURIA MACROSCOPIC: Gross hematuria is marked by very dark urination, brown or red. The presence of red blood cells in great abundance is confirmed by...
Gros bras - Lymphoedeme)

Big Arms

The "big guys" is the colloquial term corresponding to the upper extremity lymphedema. It is a disease whose origin is almost exclusively secondary treatment...
Impatiences musculaires de l'éveil

Restless Wakefulness

The Restless wakefulness or restless leg syndrome are common pathologies. A recent study establishes the prevalence to 8.5% in France (10.8% for women, 5.8%...
Hypotension orthostatique

Orthostatic Hypotension

Generally, this is symptomatic blood pressure dysregulation, due to the decrease in cerebral blood flow when passing a standing position. But sometimes it is...
Souffle cardiaque

Heart Murmur

A number of doctors believe that cardiac auscultation is obsolete and should be replaced by echocardiography. We even met a few cardiologists who have...