Accueil 2015 April

Archives mensuelles: April 2015

Arc cornéen

Corneal Arcus

The corneal arcus is the most common extravascular cholesterol deposit and more commonplace. This is a deposition of cholesterol forming a circle or an...
Oreille rouge

Red ear

The formation of a red ear can be a reason for consultation very ordinary or instead be a key diagnostic feature in some systemic...
Pli oblique de l'oreille

Oblique fold of the ear

The statues of the Emperor Hadrian, heart failure death (dropsy as old manuscripts), represent the ear lobe crossed by an oblique notch, and it...
Microscopie - Hyperleucocytose


The leukocytosis is defi ned by a number of white blood cells than 10,000 / mm3. Such a value but draws attention: - Moderate leukocytosis...


Thrombocytosis is defined as a platelet count greater than 600,000 / mm3. We distinguish secondary thrombocytosis (iron deficiency, inflammation or hyposplenism) of "primitive" thrombocytosis...
Insuffisance rénale chronique

Chronic renal failure

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is defined as a chronic decrease in glomerular filtration rate. In France, about 2 million people have CKD. Risk subjects...
Dépistage du cancer de la prostate

Prostate cancer screening

WHY? According to 2000 statistics, prostate cancer is the most common male cancer (40,000 cases per year), and the second leading cause of cancer death...

Mouth ulcers

Warning: • Before an atypical ulcer, do not overlook an ulcerated neoplasia or other inflammatory disease. • If recurrent canker sore, do not ignore a systemic...

Medical Abbreviations

A AAA Abdominal aortic aneurysm AAD American Academy of Dermatology Anti-arthritic Aasal symptomatic slow-acting AASLD Amercian Association for the Study of Liver Diseases: Ac. Acid Ac Antibodies ACC American College...
Figure 8 : IRM hypothalamo-hypophysaire, coupe sagittale, séquence Ti après injection de gadolinium CRANIOPHARYNGIOME. Masse supra et intra-sellaire hyperintese avec une expansion vers le haut et l'arrière. A noter l'existence de 2 contingents : un contingent hypointense liquidien et un contingent prenant le contraste, tissulaire. Les calcifications, non individualisables sur cette IRM, sont mieux visualisables au scanner.

Pituitary MRI

MRI is currently the gold standard for morphological study of the hypothalamic-pituitary region, having supplanted the pituitary scanner and X-ray of the sella. I. INDICATIONS...



Scarlet fever

Asbestose (fibrose pulmonaire)


