Accueil 2015 April

Archives mensuelles: April 2015

Reportage France 2: Coca Cola ‘s secret formula

Every day around the world, it consumes 1.5 billion cans of Coca-Cola and Olivia Mokiejewski, journalist proclaimed "troublemaker" in the mode of Michael Moore,...
Opacités parenchymateuse

Intra Pulmonary Opacities Round

* Pleural opacities have an obtuse angle connection with the chest wall in contrast to parenchymal opacities juxtapleurales that connect to an acute angle. *...


* Pulmonary causes: proximal bronchial cancer (squamous cell carcinoma); pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB ongoing or bronchiectasis sequelae); DDB (recurrent hemoptysis) bronchial infections (acute bronchitis); pneumonia;aspergilloma;...


* The cancer increases by 10 the risk of lung cancer; beyond 30 PA risk is 50 times than in non-smoking * This is the...
Cellules souches

Kidney Tissue recreated using Stem Cells

Japanese researchers said they were able to develop for the first time kidney tissue from induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). This is an important step...


* Connected to the free silica dust accumulation crystalline form of silicon dioxide * The characteristic anatomical lesion is silicosis nodule: up in the center...
Asbestose (fibrose pulmonaire)


* Asbestos fibers are inorganic particles of silicate type; two types: serpentine (chrysotile) ; amphibole (crocidolite) * Exposed Professions: manufacture of insulation materials; joints; brake pad; shipbuilding;...


Anticholinergic effects sedative antidepressant amitriptyline. 1- Indications: Obsessive compulsive disorders * * Panic attacks and phobic disorders * Alcohol and Addiction * Sexual dysfunction (premature ejaculation) * Sleep Disorders * Enuresis *...
Troubles de la personnalité

Personality Disorders

* The égosyntonique character personality traits, while the symptoms are ego-dystonic, that is to say incongruous to me. * The libidinal development that anxiety of...
Sigmund Freud

Psychoanalytic Appearance

* The troubles from the first 6 months of life in which the oral stage develops correlated to autism and schizophrenia * The second part...


Différents stade de la péricardite

Pericarditis ECG



Viral hepatitis

hCG et β-hCG

hCG and β-hCG