Tag: opacities
Intra Pulmonary Opacities Round
* Pleural opacities have an obtuse angle connection with the chest wall in contrast to parenchymal opacities juxtapleurales that connect to an acute angle. * Opacities mediastinal their internal boundary coincides with the mediastinum and outer boundary connects gently sloping with it. * Multiple round opacities (drop ball) are usually metastases. * A doubling within…
* Connected to the free silica dust accumulation crystalline form of silicon dioxide * The characteristic anatomical lesion is silicosis nodule: up in the center of collagen fibers and hyalinized on the outskirts of a fiborconiotique crown (Dust seat) * Exposed Professions Off-road work (mining, tunnel); abrasives industry; etching; exterior surfaces; ceramics manufacturing; dental technician…
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